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Comptroller Mychajliw praises County Employees

Comptroller’s Office employees battle elements, make it to work, to save taxpayers over $70,000

(Buffalo) – This morning, and for good reason, county government was closed to the public and most employees didn’t have to report to work.  However, a lot of the services you expect, and deserve, on a day like today still need to get done, and that is why some essential personnel were required to report.  Snow plow drivers, sheriffs, nurses and emergency service personnel all reported for duty and have been doing a fantastic job since the early morning hours. 

In addition, two Comptroller’s Office employees reported to work to ensure the county was able to meet its financial obligations today.  Robert Langowski and Kevin Mulhearn, both of the Comtroller’s Cash Management Division, reported for work to ensure the county’s controlled disbursement accounts were adequately funded for payments that were being withdrawn today. 

“These accounts are zero-balance accounts, that we schedule payments to come from throughout the week.  My staff transfers money into the accounts only when payments are schedule to be processed,” said Comptroller Stefan Mychajliw.  “We keep the bank accounts empty, because ordinarily the money is kept in interest bearing accounts, so we can ensure we are getting the best financial return for the taxpayer’s money in our care,” continued Mychajliw. 

Without staff on hand to move taxpayer dollars from interest bearing accounts into the controlled disbursement accounts, the county would have overdrawn its accounts on several scheduled payments.  If funds weren’t in place, today’s payments would have cost the county $73,300 in overdraft bank fees.  “Staff that could have taken the day off today identified the issue, and knew it was important for them to get to work to ensure we avoided it, and for that I am extremely grateful,” said Mychajliw.

“My thanks go out to all folks who are working today to help Western New Yorkers get through this storm.  Its days like today that we truly live up to our motto of the City of Good Neighbors.  But, in particular, I must thank Bob and Kevin on my staff for coming into work to save taxpayers over $70,000,” said Mychajliw.

Click here to view the Press Release