invites applications for the position of:
72-181 - Promotional (for current employees only)
Salary: | $65,691.00 - $78,235.00 Annually |
Opening Date: | July 6, 2016 |
Closing Date: | August 3, 2016 |
Application fee: | $30.00 |
Residence Requirements:
THIS EXAMINATION IS OPEN TO ALL QUALIFIED EMPLOYEES OF THE SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT. At present there are two vacancies in the Sheriff’s Department.
The eligible list resulting from this examination will not supersede currently existing promotional eligible lists for this title, if any. The duration of all promotional eligible lists is four years from date of establishment unless otherwise indicated.
Examples of Duties:
DUTIES: A Captain assumes full and direct command of all activities during an assigned shift for a major operating unit of the Criminal Division of the Sheriff's Department; serves as Shift Commander and acts for Unit Chief during his absence; schedules and assigns both manpower and equipment for routine patrol work in order to prevent and detect violations of law, to apprehend and arrest violators, and to render assistance as needed for emergency situations; makes outside inspection tours to supervise deputies: maintains contact with and gives instructions to subordinate officers and deputies via radio; proceeds to site of emergencies, disasters and crimes to personally evaluate situation and to provide on-site supervision as appropriate; assigns and supervises special guard duty for traffic work, escort work for protection of premises and monies at County buildings, and at the County hospital; assigns deputies to the serving of summonses and subpoenas and making arrests; assigns and supervises deputies to the transfer and transport of prisoners between hospitals for treatment, to penal institutions for confinement, to the courts for trials, and from other jurisdictions for trial and/or confinement; reviews written reports from deputies and subordinate officers, takes follow up action, as appropriate, then forwards reports to Unit Chief with a report of follow up undertaken; supervises and participates in the investigation of complaints, emergency calls and known or suspected criminal actions, which may involve traffic accidents, natural disasters, robbery, thefts, explosions, gambling, deaths, vice activities, arson, etc.; prepares periodic and special reports for supervisors, as required; supervises and conducts investigations; collects evidence; prepares evidence for the courts; testifies in court cases.
QUALIFYING EXPERIENCE FOR TAKING THE TEST: Candidates must be permanently employed in the competitive class and must be serving and have served continuously on a permanent or contingent permanent basis in the competitive class for 12 months immediately preceding the date of the written test in the position of Lieutenant.
Persons who are currently employed under Section 55a, New York State Civil Service Law, and who meet all the above eligibility requirements in the non-competitive rather than competitive class may compete in this examination.
Examination date:
September 10, 2016
Applications Must Be Postmarked or Hand Delivered By:
August 3, 2016
A Guide for the Written Test for Second- and Third-Line Police Supervisors is available at the New York State . Candidates not having access to a computer or the internet may request copy of the test guide from the municipal civil service office conducting this examination using the contact information found elsewhere on this announcement.
Subjects of Examination:
Subjects of examination: A written test designed to evaluate knowledge, skills and /or abilities in the following areas:
1. Law enforcement methods and practices
These questions test for knowledge of accepted police methods and practices and/or their application to situations in the police field. The questions are a sampling of the various knowledge that police personnel may be required to possess in the course of their day-to-day work-related activities.
2. New York State Laws
These questions test for knowledge of the laws in effect on January 1, 2016 that law enforcement personnel may encounter in the course of their day-to-day work-related activities. The questions are a sampling of job-related sections of the Penal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Vehicle and Traffic Law, Family Court Act and other laws relevant to law enforcement in New York State.
3. Planning, supervising and administering police programs and activities
These questions test for knowledge of the principles and practices involved in managing an organizational segment of a police department in New York State and directing the activities of subordinate staff, including subordinate supervisors. These questions cover such areas as planning, controlling, directing, organizing, and coordinating the activities of the organizational section. Questions also cover the personal interactions between an upper-level supervisor and subordinate supervisors in the accomplishment of objectives and deal with issues of work assignments, job performance, and training.
4. Understanding and interpreting written material
These questions test how well you comprehend written material. You will be provided with brief reading selections and will be asked questions about the selections. All the information required to answer the questions will be presented in the selections; you will not be required to have any special knowledge relating to the subject areas of the selections.
5. Preparing written material in a police setting
These questions test for the ability to prepare the types of reports that police personnel write. Some questions test for the ability to present information clearly and accurately. They consist of restatements of information given in note form. You must choose the best version from each set of four choices. Other questions test for the ability to organize paragraphs. They consist of paragraphs with their sentences out of order. For each of the paragraphs you must choose, from four suggestions, the best order of the sentences.
P. E. R. C. Statement
The final rating key for this examination will be established by the State Civil Service Commission prior to the testing date, upon recommendation of a committee of police experts who will review all the questions for appropriateness and accuracy. There will be no review of the questions by candidates. The committee was selected with the assistance and endorsement of the Police Conference of New York, Inc., the New York State Association of PBAs, Inc., and the New York State Association of Chiefs of Police, Inc.
NOTICE TO CANDIDATES: Use of calculators is prohibited for this examination. Devices with typewriter keyboards, "Spell Checkers", "Personal Digital Assistants", "Address Books", "Language Translators", "Dictionaries", or any similar devices are prohibited. Cell phones are prohibited. You may not bring books or other reference materials.
Unless otherwise indicated, the eligible list resulting from this examination will have a duration of four years and will not supersede existing promotional lists, if any.
RATINGS REQUIRED: Test is rated on a scale of 100 with a passing mark at 70. Test instructions may further divide the tests into parts and set minimum standards for each part.
Points will be added to scores of candidates who achieve a passing mark as follows: Seniority: For each year of service in the classified service:
Less than 1 year……………………..................…0 points
1 year up to 6 years…………….…........................1 point
Over 6 years up to 11 years.....………......….........2 points
Over 11 years up to 16 years….…........….........…3 points
Over 16 years up to 21 years………..................…4 points
Over 21 years………………………..................…5 points
VETERANS: Disabled and non-disabled veterans as defined in Section 85, New York State Civil Service Law, will have 5 and 2.5 points, respectively added to their earned scores if successful in the examination. You must claim these credits when you file application but you have an option to waive them any time prior to appointment. If you have already used these credits for a permanent position in NYS, you may not claim them again.
A $30.00 filing fee is required for this exam. The required fee must accompany your application. Send or bring check or money order made payable to Erie County Personnel Department and write the examination number(s) on your check or money order. Do not send or bring cash, as the County cannot be responsible for cash payment. As no refund will be made, you are urged to compare your qualifications carefully with the requirements for admission and file only for those examinations for which you are clearly qualified.