Bishop Malone Celebrates Mass with Holding Center Inmates

Modified: April 3, 2017 6:29am

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Sheriff Howard invites the Bishop to Celebrate Mass


Buffalo, NY – Erie County Sheriff Timothy B. Howard announces the Most Reverend Richard J. Malone, bishop of Buffalo, celebrated Catholic Mass Saturday evening at the Erie County Holding Center.


Bishop Malone met with inmates and offered guidance and counseling for a short time following the Mass. The bishop commented that “Inmates at the Holding Center are members of the flock, and I am their shepherd. I have been looking forward to this special time with them.”


Last April, Bishop Malone celebrated Mass for women inmates at the Albion Correctional Facility, a New York State Prison in Orleans County.  However, this is the first time in recent history that the bishop of the Catholic Diocese has presided over a Mass at the holding center.


Sheriff Howard stated, “My office offers religious and spiritual counseling for inmates through our Chaplaincy Program, but it is a special honor and day to participate in this holy celebration with Bishop Malone.  I know that attending regular Mass or faith-based celebrations provide comfort to inmates and help them cope with their incarceration.”


In a continuance of the Catholic faith celebration, Father Ryszard Biernat will celebrate Easter Mass at the holding center on April 16.