Driver with 35 Suspensions Arrested During Hamburg Traffic Stop

Modified: December 15, 2017 8:29am

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Huggins, A

Buffalo, NY – Erie County Sheriff Timothy B. Howard reports Assante Huggins, 25 of Buffalo, was arrested following a traffic stop on Milestrip Road in the Town of Hamburg December 14 at 7 P.M. 

Deputy Rogers observed a vehicle with insufficient tail light and proceeded to execute a traffic stop.  The Deputy’s investigation discovered Huggins’ driver’s license has thirty-five active suspensions for failing to pay fines in the City of Buffalo. 

Huggins was taken to the Erie County Holding center charged with a felony count of aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, and vehicle and traffic law violations for unlicensed operation and insufficient taillights.  The defendant is being held  pending an arraignment hearing in Town of Hamburg Court.