Narcotics Unit Conducts Simultaneous Drug Raids, Arrests Dealer

Modified: May 8, 2017 1:01pm

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Dealer was Selling Narcotics to Seneca Nation Territory Residents


Buffalo, NY – Erie County Sheriff Timothy B. Howard reports the Erie County Sheriff’s Narcotics Unit lead simultaneous drug raids in the City of Buffalo and the Town of Evans at approximately 6:30 A.M. Monday morning. 

Acting on search warrants signed by Erie County Court Judge Thomas Franczyk, the unit raided apartment 4E of 320 Perry Street (within the Commodore Perry Housing Development) and, with assistance from the Evans Police Department, an Erie Road residence in the Town of Evans. 

The Sheriff’s Narcotics Unit seized 50 grams of heroin (approximately 1,000 doses), one-half ounce of crack cocaine, numerous loose Xanax pills, a quantity of marijuana, approximately $4,500.00 in U.S. currency, and a handgun from the Buffalo residence. No narcotics were discovered in the Evans raid.  

The handgun was submitted to the lab for identification and analysis, and due to its condition and attempt to alter the gun’s appearance, it is unknown if the gun is stolen. 

Arrested and charged is James Carter, 31 of Buffalo.  The defendant is at the Erie County Holding Center pending his arraignment on the following charges:

  • Two felony counts of criminal possession of narcotics with intent to sell
  • Two felony counts of criminal possession of narcotics
  • Felony count of criminal possession of a weapon
  • Misdemeanor counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance
  • Three misdemeanor counts of criminal use of a drug paraphernalia
  • Two separate violations for marijuana possession and prescription drug possession 

Carter is a three-time convicted drug felon and is scheduled to be arraigned in Buffalo City Court this afternoon. 

The investigation stemmed from a tip to the Sheriff’s Office, and the Narcotics Unit learned that the defendant was targeting members of the Seneca Nation on  the Cattaraugus Indian Territory for his illegal drug sales. Carter could face additional charges pending the results of the analysis of the recovered handgun.