Sheriff’s Building Ready For The Fair – Just In Time

Modified: August 9, 2017 3:02pm

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Newly Added Features And Demos For 2017, Plus Free Child Ids 

Buffalo, NY – Erie County Sheriff Timothy B. Howard announced today the Sheriff’s Building at the Erie County Fair is ready to welcome visitors for this year’s fair. 

The tornado, which passed through the fairgrounds 19-days ago, caused some damage to the building and landscaping, but crews completed the work and the Sheriff’s personnel setup up displays and delivered equipment Tuesday. 

As in past years, the Sheriff’s Office is offering free Child IDs, instruction for car seat installation, giving away free gun locks, and providing K-9 demonstrations.  Also, this year visitors will be able to get a close up look at some of the Sheriff’s specialized tools and equipment used by Deputies. 

The Sheriff’s Office Bomb Squad Unit will show off the various robots the unit uses on calls and, new for this year, visitors can take a picture in a bomb suit.  Also added this year are SWAT Team presentations.  

Earlier this year, the Erie County Sheriff’s SWAT Team won a statewide competition and was awarded the top SWAT Team in the state.  Members of this elite unit will be on hand to detail the training, the specialized equipment, and show off the unit’s new tactical vehicle – the Bear Cat. 

Sheriff Timothy Howard said, “I want to commend the management and workers of the Erie County Fair for their tremendous effort to get the grounds ready for opening day and to thank them for making the speedy repairs to the Sheriff’s Building.  I am excited about my team’s new program for 2017, with more interactive displays for visitors, and I hope everyone stops by our building to meet the brave men and women of their Erie County Sheriff’s Office.” 

The Sheriff’s Building, located near the western end of the Midway and across from Gate 4, will be open to 10 p.m. daily.  Visitors can get free information about the Yellow Dot Program, free gun locks, ask Deputies about child car seats, and have a free child ID made.  Guests will also be able to view some of the special equipment used by the Erie County Sheriff’s Office, pheasants being raised by inmates at the Correctional Facility’s pheasant farm, and get information about the Erie County Sheriff’s Office. 

Fair guests are encouraged to visit for the complete schedule and the Erie County Sheriff’s Facebook page and Twitter, @ECSONY1, for daily updates.