Sheriff Announces New Medical Leadership and a New Narcotics Chief

Modified: June 13, 2017 12:50pm

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Appointments Allow for Focused Inmate Care, Smooth Transition in Narco Unit


Buffalo, NY – Erie County Sheriff Timothy B. Howard announced on Tuesday, June 13, the appointment of three new leadership posts for his office.


Sheriff Howard’s Division of Correctional Health hired Dr. Medhat Barsoom at the end of May, and he brings extensive experience in critical and emergency care to the Sheriff’s Office. Dr. Barsoom is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine and holds a degree in surgery and medicine from Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.


Before Dr. Barsoom’s appointment, he worked in many local emergency rooms supervising medical students and residents as well as leading many emergency department admissions. 


Christa Cutrona, R.N., M.S.N, has been named as the Director of Correctional Health.  Christa holds a Master’s degree in Nursing Executive Leadership and Change and has been a nursing professional since 1992.  Her experience with emergency medicine and nursing is vital when dealing with the acute medical conditions often experienced in jails. Christa started with correctional health when it was part of the County’s Department of Health, and she was instrumental in leading the transition of the Division of Correctional Health to the Sheriff’s Office.  Cutrona’s institutional knowledge of the county’s jail system and the Department of Health allowed for a smooth transfer of duties to the Sheriff’s Office in January 2017.


These appointments complete the leadership of Division of Correctional Health following last year’s creation of the 1st Deputy Superintendent of Compliance position which was filled by Michael Reardon.  Mr. Reardon took over the oversight of compliance with medical regulations pertaining to correctional health guidelines.


Since taking over the Division of Correctional Health, Sheriff Howard has implemented innovative and cost saving programs at the jails. 


“At no time was correctional health part of the Sheriff's Office,” explains Sheriff Timothy Howard.  “And in the short time since being transferred to my office, we have implemented programs to help inmates detox from addictive substances, enroll in health insurance, upgrade our medical services, and modernize our prescription drug dispensary.  These moves make it possible for the Sheriff's Office to provide focused medical care for the inmates.”


In recently signed order, Sheriff Howard promoted Senior Detective Daniel (DJ) Granville to Chief of Narcotics.  Chief Granville fills the vacancy left by the retirement of Alan Rozansky.  Chief Rozansky leaves the Sheriff’s Office after 47-years of law enforcement service which began with Patrol Deputy and ended with the rank Chief of Narcotics. 


Granville started with the Sheriff’s Office in 2008 as a Road Patrol Deputy following positions with the Buffalo Housing Authority Police and the Niagara Frontier Transit Authority Police.  In 2010, he was assigned to the Narcotics Unit where, a few years later, he earned the rank of Senior Detective.


Sheriff Howard said, “Under Chief Rozansky’s leadership and with his great skills, he made this unit into an elite narcotics investigation unit.  The promotion of Senior Detective Granville to Chief allows for a seamless transfer of leadership, so the unit won’t lose any ground in their efforts to remove drug dealers from our community.”


The promotion is effective as of June 10.