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Modified: April 18, 2019 12:07pm
Created: April 18, 2019 12:05pm

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April 18, 2019

Convenient, paperless system that pays vendors
generates significant revenue for Erie County

Erie County Comptroller Stefan I. Mychajliw Jr. recently met with M&T Bank officials to review the progress of the county’s online vendor payment system.  This reform initiative was implemented in 2015 as part of an overhaul of Erie County’s banking relationship. Since implementation, taxpayers have received approximately $870,659 back in the form of a rebate.  This is new revenue for the county that doesn’t negatively impact the property taxpayer and helps the county’s bottom line. 

“When I took office I prioritized efforts to modernize how we do business on behalf of taxpayers. It was long overdue.  My reform efforts made my office more efficient and made more money for Erie County. The online payment initiative continues to improve. Last year I reviewed the online vendor payment system, and saw the potential for greater growth. I realigned the Accounts Payable Division to prioritize this program.  The results have been impressive. Today I am announcing that we are forwarding more than $244,000 to the general fund, which serves as a rebate for taxpayers as additional county revenue,” said Comptroller Mychajliw. 

Prior to Comptroller Mychajliw taking office and building a relationship with M&T Bank, the county’s antiquated and underutilized electronic payment system was not performing nearly as well. The measured increase in revenue exceeded five fold since partnering with M&T. Prior to M&T Bank overseeing the process, the county was collecting, on average, only $40,131 a year. Since collaborating with M&T, that average revenue has risen significantly (442%) to an average of $217,862 per year. 

“The online payment program that I worked with M&T to create is significantly outperforming the old program. Through our work with M&T Bank, my office realizes hundreds of thousands of dollars in ‘cash back’ earnings. This is same method that homeowners use every day with points from their credit card but the reward goes to taxpayers. The revenue generated is deposited into the general county fund to offset property taxes.  No other Erie County Comptroller is even close to producing the kind of revenue and efficiency I am,” said Comptroller Mychajliw. 

By offering an online payment system, Erie County provides improved services to its vendors. Those voluntarily enrolled in the Supplier Pay program experience accelerated payment and improved cash flow. The program has grown significantly, with more than 600 county vendors enrolled and that number grows monthly.  

This announcement comes just a few weeks after the Accounts Payable (AP) Division officially launched its AP Paperless Project, an environmental friendly program to modernize how the county’s annual invoices are processed. The Accounts Payable division has been transformed into a modern, paperless process, which eliminates a burdensome and costly paper system and replaces it with a permanent electronic file storage and record system. 

“We manage our entire lives online, from bill pay to ordering groceries. Government had a lot of catching up to do.  It makes sense for government to embrace technology and embrace change, the same way families and the private sector do.   I am really proud of the progress that we have made.  By working with M&T Bank, the Supplier Pay program not only has improved efficiencies, it increased revenue for the county,” Comptroller Mychajliw added. 

The generated revenue supports critical programs including Sheriff’s Patrols, road repairs, senior programming, veterans’ services, youth development activities, and others. 

County vendors who are interested in learning more about the online payment option can CLICK HERE. Vendors can also call 858-7277.