Library Director II (Training & Experience)

Modified: June 22, 2021 9:53am

invites applications for the position of:

Library Director II (Training & Experience)

#61-105 - Open Competitive (open to the public)

Salary: $54,881 - $76,602 Annually
Opening Date: June 11, 2021
Closing Date: July 14, 2021
Application fee: $20.00

Erie County is an Equal Opportunity Employer and committed to workplace diversity.

Residence Requirements:

THERE ARE NO RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS EXAMINATION. This eligible list will be used to fill vacancies in public libraries throughout the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library System.

A promotion examination will be held at the same time as this examination. The list resulting from the promotion examination will be used first but appointments from this open competitive examination are anticipated.

The eligible list will have a minimum duration of one year from date of establishment or until exhausted, up to a maximum duration of four years. The eligible list resulting from this examination WILL supersede currently existing eligible lists with the same job title after one year or when they are exhausted.

Examples of Duties:

Library Director II has overall charge of a contract library operation composed of one or two units while also taking an active part in the provision of professional library services;

Develops long range plans for library service development for Library approval which evaluates the effectiveness of the collection/services/programs in relation to the changing needs of the users;

Determines priorities in terms of scope and type of material to be purchased and retained;

Oversees the purchase of library materials;

Plans and conducts programs, tours, book talks, multi-media program arid story hours;

Provides reference and reader's advisory services to library users;

Performs on-line database searches and search training;

Consults with Library System staff in developing, providing and promoting library services;

Designs and produces public relations and library instruction materials;

Serves as a liaison for library services to community groups and/or other libraries;

Develops the library budget;

Administers the expenditure of library funds and the collection of library revenues;

May develop and administer grants and/or fundraising projects, such as book sales;

Prepares statistical and narrative reports of activities, memoranda and correspondence;

Supervises the work of professional, paraprofessional, clerical, page and volunteer personnel and recommends personnel action to the Board;

Consults with Library System administrators and County/municipal officials who provide support services in areas such as budget, personnel, legal, technical processing and public works as needed;

Supervises the maintenance of library property;

Recommends and oversees building repairs, alterations and all phases of new construction planning;

Keeps informed of professional developments through participation in professional organizations, meetings, workshops, continuing education courses and reading professional materials.


MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates must meet the following requirements on or before July 14, 2021:

Master's degree in Librarianship from a library school that is accredited by the American Library Association or recognized by the New York State Education Department as following accepted education practices and four (4) years of professional library experience subsequent to the MLS.

Eligibility for a New York State Public Librarian's Professional Certificate at the time of application for appointment, possession of certificate at time of appointment. Candidates that possess a valid New York State Public Librarian's provisional certificate (issued prior to 1/1/77) also qualify. Travel is required for several assignment areas, therefore, candidates may be required to demonstrate possession of a valid NYS Driver's License and means of transportation at time of appointment.



1. Verifiable part-time and/or volunteer experience will be pro-rated toward meeting the experience requirements.

2. Your degree and/or college credit must have been awarded by a regionally accredited college or university or one recognized by the New York State Education Department as following acceptable educational practices. A grade of "D" or better is necessary for a course to be credited as successfully completed. If your degree and/or college credit was awarded by an educational institution outside of the United States and its territories, you must provide independent verification of equivalency. You can write to this Department for a list of acceptable companies providing this service; you must pay the required evaluation fee.

Notice to Candidates: Transcripts will now be accepted by the Department of Personnel ONLY at time of application.
All subsequent transcripts must be submitted at time of interview.

Examination date:

August 1, 2021

Applications Must Be Postmarked or Hand Delivered By:

July 14, 2021

The New York State Department of Civil Service has not prepared a test guide for this examination. 

Subjects of Examination:

There will be no written or oral test for this examination. If you meet the minimum qualifications, you will receive a rating based upon an evaluation of your training and experience against the duties of the position being tested.

Candidates must first complete an examination application and return it to the Erie County Department of Personnel on or before the last filing date of July 14, 2021.

Approved candidates will be sent a notice containing directions to a website address needed to complete a Training and Experience Questionnaire.

The Training and Experience Questionnaire will be available on August 1, 2021, and approved candidates will be required to complete and submit this questionnaire between August 1, 2021 and midnight, August 31, 2021. NOTE: Candidates will not be able to claim any credit for training or experience gained after the application filing deadline of July 14. 2021.

Candidates who fail to submit a questionnaire by midnight, August 31, 2021 will not receive a rating.


A $20.00 filing fee is required for this exam. The required fee must accompany your application. Send or bring check or money order made payable to Erie County Personnel Department and write the examination number(s) on your check or money order. Do not send or bring cash, as the County cannot be responsible for cash payment. As no refund will be made, you are urged to compare your qualifications carefully with the requirements for admission and file only for those examinations for which you are clearly qualified.