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2018 Session: . .. ... ... ...

Updated Session Schedule

The Legislative Committees

Items received by the Legislature are sent to one of its eight committees. Items are placed on that committee's agenda for review, discussion and/or approval if necessary.

Following the meeting of the committee, an agenda item - along with the committee's consensus in the form of a vote tally and any amendment - is included on the agenda of the full Legislature for consideration.

All committee meetings and hearings are open to the public. 

Convention Center Study  .

Convention Center Study - Appendix Part One

Convention Center Study - Appendix Part Two


EC Legislature Public Hearing Notice - 2022 Erie County Budget for 11-15-21 on Zoom

EC Legislature Public Hearing Notice - Buffalo Bills Stadium - Potential Construction/Location of a New Stadium UPDATED 11-29-30

EC Legislature Public Hearing Notice - LL Intro. 4-1, 2021 Re-Apportionment Proposal

EC Legislature - Special Meeting Notice for November 23, 2021

EC Legislature - Special Meeting Notice for November 30, 2021

EC Legislature - 12/9/21 Committees & 12/16/21 Work Session & Legislative Session Will Be Held Virtually Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic

EC Legislature - Public Hearing Notice Concerning "The Erie County Minority and Women Business Enterprise Equality and Modernization Act of 2021" on Zoom

EC Legislature - 2022 Session Schedule REVISED

Committee Meetings on 1-27-22

Local Law No. 2-2022, A Local Law in relation to the reapportionment of county legislative districts in the County of Erie

Public Hearing Notice/Media Advisory - Transfer Tax Revenue from Erie County Road Repair Reserve Fund 

Public Hearing Concerning Proposal Concerning Senior Citizen Property Tax Exemption

Notice of Meeting - Erie County Corrections Specialist Advisory Board

Public Hearing Notice - Matter of the Application of The Buffalo City Cemetery, Inc. 

EC Legislature - Memo Changing 3-3-22 Work Session and Meeting to Video Conferencing

Legislative Meetings to Return to Chambers on 3-3-22

Public Notice Concerning Position of Commissioner of the Erie County Water Authority

Public Hearing Notice - Local Law Intro. 2-1 (2022) - Increasing Veterans Property Tax Exemptions - Public Hearing Notice

EC Legislature - Public Hearing Notice - SUNY Erie 2022-23 Budget Proposal


INTRO 11-1

EC Legislature Public Hearing Notice - Proposed Adoption of Procedures and SEQR Forms for Ag Dist Review

EC Legislature Chair April M.N. Baskin - CBA Community Report

2022 Mid-Year Informational EC Budget Hearings - 7/11 & 7/12

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - Proposed Clarence Fillmore Cemetery Merger

COMM. 7M-12 (2022)

INTRO. 14-2 (2022)

COMM. 14E-30 (2022)

COMM. 15D-5

Committee Schedule for 10-27-22

Updated 2023 Budget Hearings Finance & Management/Budget Committee

Legislature Public Hearing on Tentative 2023 Erie County Budget

Minority Contractor Workshop for 11-19-2022

Revised 2023 Budget Hearings Finance & Management/Budget Committee

EC Legislature - Departmental Budget Hearings, Change to Video Conferencing for 11-21-22

EC Legislature - Budget Public Hearing, Change to Video Conferencing for 11-21-22

Chairwoman Baskin - Letter Moving Public Hearing to Video Conferencing

Legislature’s Finance and Management/Budget Committee, will reconvene on Tuesday, November 29, 2022

EC Legislature - Special Meeting Notice Concerning the Tentative 2023 Erie County Budget

COMM. 21E-1 - Special Meeting Letter from Chair Baskin

COMM. 21D-1 - Special Meeting Notice for 11-29-2022

Amendment to INTRO. 18-1 (2022)

Report No, 1 Finance & Management/Budget Committee 11-29-22

Finance & Management Budget Committee Report No. 1 2022, with 2023 Tentative Budget Documents

EC Legislature - 2023 Legislative Committee Assignments

New Bills Stadium - Full Environmental Assessment Form - COMM. 22E-6 (2022) Amendment

Public Hearing Notice/Media Advisory - Transfer Tax Revenue from Erie County Road Repair Reserve Fund 

EC Legislature - Amendments, Info for Committee Meetings

Local Law Intro. 3-2 (2023) The Occupancy Tax Modernization Act


Amendments to the 2013 Stadium Lease Documents -

1. Amendment to Memorandum of 2013 Master Lease

2. Amendment to Memorandum of 2013 Stadium Lease

3. Second Amendment to 2013 Master Lease

4. Second Amendment to 2013 Stadium Lease

5. Amendment to 2013 Stadium Security Agreement

6. Amendment to 2013 Non-Relocation Agreement

2023 Stadium Lease Documents

7. Stadium Lease

8. Stadium Development and Construction Coordinating Agreement - PART ONE PART TWO

9. Community Benefits Agreement

10. Non-Relocation Agreement

11. Stadium Security Agreement

12. Club Guaranty Agreement

13. Legal Opinion of County

14. Legal Opinion of Loeb

15. Legal Opinion of Sidley

16. Legal Opinion of Hodgson Russ

17. ECSC Secretary's Certificate

18. PSL Marketing Agreement

19. Team Use Agreement

20. Bond Resolution

COUNTY EXECUTIVE - 2022 Year-End Budget Balancing Amendments and Designations

BASKIN - Letter to Clerk Graber Calling Special Meeting for May 4, 2023

EC LEGISLATURE - Special Meeting Notice for May 4, 2023

EC LEGISLATURE - Special Meeting Notice for May 4, 2023 - combined

COMM. 7E-26 (2023) Erie County Department of Public Works - 2023 Road Program Exhibit A





Agenda for Session No. 4 - February 16, 2023  - Meeting to Begin at 12:00 P.M.
Roll Call  
Invocation    Ms. Vinal  
Pledge of Allegiance  – Mr. Todaro

Tabled Items   

Items for Reconsideration from Previous Meeting   

Minutes of Previous Meetings –  Meeting No. 3

Public Hearing      
Miscellaneous Resolutions:    
Submitted By Description      
KOOSHOIAN Honoring the St. Joseph's Collegiate Institute Wrestling Team for Matching the Record for Most Consecutive Team Championships in the Monsignor Martin Athletic Association

Celebrating and Honoring Chief Ronald W. Endle on His Induction to the Erie County Wall of Honor


Honoring and Recognizing Connie Rose Porter


In Remembrance of Edmund Walter Duncan, Sr.


Honoring & Recognizing St. Joe's Juniors Austin Zimmerman & Nik Massaro - NYS Champions - High School Wrestling


Honoring & Recognizing Random Acts of Kindness Day


Honoring & Recognizing National Investors' Day


Honoring & Recognizing African Heritage & Health Week


Honoring Hannah Lauber as the 2022 Firefighter of the Year


Honoring Dennis Fuller for Forty Years of Service to the Morton’s Corners Fire Department


Celebrating Paul Woods on His 100th Birthday


Honoring Peter Kehr for Fifty Years of Service to the Langford-New Oregon Volunteer Fire Company


Honoring Jacob Daniel Wind on Attaining Rank of Eagle Scout


Honoring and Congratulating Senior Investigator Robert McMahon on His Retirement


Honoring Thomas John Russell on Attaining Rank of Eagle Scout


Recognizing Mary Jo Fisher for being the First Female Firefighter in Elma’s History


Recognizing Saint Vincent de Paul Council on its First Anniversary


Honoring Anthony Gates for Being Recognized as “Firefighter of the Year”


Honoring Joshua Gates for Being Recognized as “Firefighter of the Year”


Honoring Kathleen Kozlowski for Being Recognized as “Firefighter of the Year”


Honoring Jake Girdlestone as Being Recognized as “Firefighter of the Year”


Honoring Robert Simme for Being Recognized as “Firefighter of the Year”


Honoring William Cutherstone for Being Recognized as “Firefighter of the Year”


Honoring Henry Klier for Being Recognized as “Firefighter of the Year”


Honoring Allen Gates for Being Recognized as “Firefighter of the Year”


Honoring Patrick Manning for Being Recognized as “Firefighter of the Year”


Honoring Brandon Kozlowski-Eleczko for Being Recognized as “Firefighter of the Year”


Honoring Frank Krawczyk for Being Recognized as “Firefighter of the Year”


Honoring Steven Krawczyk for Being Recognized as “Firefighter of the Year”


Honoring Richard Spaich for Receiving Life Member Status at Millgrove Volunteer Fire Department


Honoring Frank Krawczyk for Receiving Life Member Status at Millgrove Volunteer Fire Department


Honoring Tom Miller for Receiving Life Member Status at Millgrove Volunteer Fire Department

GILMOUR Honoring & Recognizing Marcus Rivers - Lackawanna Boys and Girls Varsity Basketball Head Coach
GILMOUR Recognizing St. Francis Football - Logan Reaska, Balaam Miller, Aiden Dubeck, Dylan Walker & Steve Otremba Jr. on Signing their National Letter of Intent
BASKIN Honoring Emily Anne Robinson as Citizen of the Month - February 2023
KOOSHOIAN Honoring & Recognizing Waxlight Bar a Vin Semifinalist - James Beard Award
BASKIN Happy 100th Birthday Paul Woods
VINAL Congratulating Brenton Baker Setting State Sophomore High Jump Mark

Proposed Local Laws:

Item Number Submitted By Description Reference


TODARO, GREENE, LORIGO & MILLS A Local Law Authorizing Twelve and Thirteen-Year-Old Licensed Hunters to Hunt Deer with a Firearm or Crossbow During Hunting Season with the Supervision of a Licensed Adult  Energy & Environment


BASKIN, MEYERS, JOHNSON, VINAL & GILMOUR The Erie County Language Access Act Health & Human Services 

LL INTRO 1-1          1/26/2023

MILLS, GREENE, TODARO & MALCZEWSKI Providing for 10% Property Tax Exemptions for Volunteer Firefighters and Ambulance Workers in Erie County Finance & Management

LL INTRO 2-1          1/31/2023

BASKIN, MEYERS, JOHNSON, VINAL & KOOSHOIAN The Public Art Act of Erie County Community Enrichment 
Committee Reports:      
Meeting No. 3


Legislator Resolutions:      
Item Number Submitted By Description Reference
INTRO. 4-1 VINAL Support for Shop 716  
INTRO. 4-2 VINAL Support for Local Government Officials to Visit County Jails  
INTRO. 4-3 MEYERS Appointment to the Erie County Corrections Specialist Advisory Board  
INTRO. 4-4 MINORITY CAUCUS Calling for an Increase in Transparency for the NYS Thruway Authority & Opposing Any Toll Rate Hike  
Communications Discharged From Committee:  
Item Number From the Description  
COMM. 2E-33 (2023) Public Safety Committee

KeyBank Center Police Services Agreement

Suspension of the Rules:    
Item Number Submitted By Description  
COMM. 23E-16 BASKIN 2023 Schedule of Legislative Sessions  
INTRO. 23-5 MAJORITY & MINORITY CAUCUSES Legislature 2023 Budget Authorization  
COMM. 23D-3 BOARD OF ELECTIONS EC Board of Elections Budget Transfer Request  
Communications from Elected Officials:    
Item Number Submitted By Description Reference
COMM. 4E-1 JOHNSON Letter of Absence RFP
COMM. 4E-2 COUNTY EXECUTIVE Appointment to the SUNY ECC Board of Trustee Community Enrichment
COMM. 4E-3 COUNTY EXECUTIVE Appointments to the Buffalo & EC Public Library Community Enrichment
COMM. 4E-4 COUNTY EXECUTIVE Re-Appointment to EC Fisheries Advisory Board Energy & Environment
COMM. 4E-5 COUNTY EXECUTIVE Appointments to the Commission on the Status of Women Health & Human Services
COMM. 4E-6 COMPTROLLER Unanswered Questions Regarding WROTB Operations Government Affairs
COMM. 4E-7 BASKIN Vacancy on Cornell Cooperative Extension Board Energy & Environment
COMM. 4E-8 BASKIN Letter to Governor Hochul in Regards to NFTA Board Appointment Economic Development
COMM. 4E-9 COUNTY EXECUTIVE  ECSD No. 5 RFP - Transit Road Corridor Sanitary Sewer Service Evaluation Report Energy & Environment
COMM. 4E-10 COUNTY EXECUTIVE ECSD No. 3 - Engineer Term Contract Agreement Energy & Environment
COMM. 4E-11 COUNTY EXECUTIVE Contract for Household Hazardous Waste & Conditionally Exempt Small Generator Services Energy & Environment
COMM. 4E-12 COUNTY EXECUTIVE Regional Niagara River/Lake Erie Watershed Management Plan Phase 3 Energy & Environment
COMM. 4E-13 COUNTY EXECUTIVE Erie Heat Emergency Planning Project Energy & Environment
COMM. 4E-14 COUNTY EXECUTIVE Authorization to Accept Electric Utility Bill Credits from Community Solar Provider Energy & Environment
COMM. 4E-15 COUNTY EXECUTIVE Buffalo Convention Center Interior Renovations - Term Agreement Economic Development
COMM. 4E-16 COUNTY EXECUTIVE Authorization to Enter Into Contract with Aurigo Software Technologies, Inc. Economic Development
COMM. 4E-17 COUNTY EXECUTIVE  Parks, Recreation & Forestry Shelter Rehabilitation Energy & Environment
COMM. 4E-18 COUNTY EXECUTIVE  Acceptance of Grant Award from Rockefeller Philanthropy Associates Health & Human Services
COMM. 4E-19 COMPTROLLER Assembly & Senate Bill Request for Legislation Authorizing Extension of Additional 1.0% & Additional 0.75% Sales & Compensating Use Tax  
COMM. 4E-20 SHERIFF & COUNTY EXECUTIVE HALT Act Programming Provider Public Safety
COMM. 4E-21 COUNTY EXECUTIVE  Authorization to Enter Into an Intergovernmental Agreement for Software License & Service Economic Development
COMM. 4E-22 COUNTY EXECUTIVE  Extension of a Cents Per Gallon Rate of Sales & Compensating Use Taxes on Motor Fuel for 6/1/2023-12/31/2023 with a $2.00 Per Gallon Limit Finance & Management
COMM. 4E-23 COMPTROLLER 2023 Consolidated Bond Resolution Finance & Management
COMM. 4E-24 COUNTY EXECUTIVE  Support & Possible Addition to LL 1-1 (2023) Government Affairs 
COMM. 4E-25 COUNTY EXECUTIVE  Temporary Reduction in Qualification for Burial Assistance of Claimed Decedants During December 2022 Blizzard State of Emergency Health & Human Services 
COMM. 4E-26 COUNTY EXECUTIVE  Foreclosure Pursuant to the In Rem Provisions of the EC Tax Act, In Rem Action No. 171 Finance & Management
Communications from the Departments:    

Item Number

Submitted By


COMM. 4D-1 COMMISSIONER OF HEALTH ECDOH Nursing Home COVID-19 Infection Report Health & Human Services
COMM. 4D-2 DEPUTY COMPTROLLER OF AUDIT Erie County Comptroller's Office - Audit of the Department of Law Finance & Management
COMM. 4D-3 COMPTROLLER OFFICE, DIVISION OF AUDIT & CONTROL Analysis of Inventory Controls for Medical & Health Supply Expenditures Using CARES Act and ARP Funding Health & Human Services
COMM. 4D-4 COUNTY ATTORNEY Transmittal of New Claims Against Erie County Government Affairs
COMM. 4D-5 COUNTY ATTORNEY Designation in the Event of Vacancy, Absence or Inability RFP
COMM. 4D-6 DIRECTOR OF REAL PROPERTY TAX SERVICES Explanation of In Rem Process Finance & Management
COMM. 4D-7 DIRECTOR OF REAL PROPERTY TAX SERVICES 2022 In Rem Foreclosure Auction Results Finance & Management
COMM. 4D-8 DEPUTY COMPTROLLER OF AUDIT EC Comptroller's Office - Audit of the EC Clerk's Office Finance & Management
Communications from the People and Other Agencies:  
Item Number Submitted By Description Reference
COMM. 4M-1 CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION 2023 Budget Accountability Act Submission Finance & Management
COMM. 4M-2 COMMISSIONER OF NYS AGRICULTURE & MARKETS Agricultural District Nos. 5, 8 & 15 - Report to Modify Plan Energy & Environment
COMM. 4M-3 COMMISSIONER OF NYS AGRICULTURE & MARKETS Agricultural District No. 1 - District Renewal Plan Energy & Environment
COMM. 4M-4 NFTA 3rd Quarter Capital Expenditure Reports Economic Development
COMM. 4M-5 EC SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT 2023 Budget Accountability Act Submission Finance & Management
COMM. 4M-6 EC WATER AUTHORITY 2021 & 2022 Financial Statements Finance & Management
COMM. 4M-7 THE BLACK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF WNY, INC. New Bills Stadium MWBE Utilization Minority & Women Business Enterprise
COMM. 4M-8 EC WATER AUTHORITY 2022 Water Quality Report & Legislative Update Energy & Environment
Memorial Resolutions  



Letter to Legislature Clerk Concerning Transition of Meetings on 12/9/2021 & 12/16/2021

Local Emergency Order Extensions


  1. Honoring Firefighter Daniel Sikorski on being inducted into the Erie County Fire Advisory Board’s Wall of Honor