August Column: Legislative Update

As I’ve said before, attempting to initiate true reform in government is not without its challenges, especially when I often feel that the current Legislature Majority mismanages priorities. However, that hasn’t stopped me from working to improve county government and protect the interests of taxpayers and the people who I am privileged to serve. While we are currently in the middle of our annual August recess and gearing up for a return to session in September, I’d like to highlight some of the many legislative successes we’ve had this year, as well as other initiatives I plan to continue.

One of my biggest priorities has been pushing the administration to fix our county roads. I have joined town officials throughout my district to tour numerous county roads that are in horrible condition. Year after year, the Legislature increases funding to address these problems. Unfortunately, the Legislature has no authority to direct where that funding goes.  The county executive and his administration get to choose where that infrastructure money is spent; and it’s no surprise we might differ on our wish lists.  I have visited, Aurora, Colden, Elma, Holland, Marilla, Wales, and West Seneca to advocate for repairs. I met reporters from WIVB in Elma earlier this summer to survey the damage on Bullis Road. One stretch is so horrendous, residents told us their house shakes when cars pass by. A few days after the story aired, the county executive announced plans to fix the road. While I’m pleased to see results, it shouldn’t take a news report to get results. I will continue to fight for road improvements throughout the district and plan to tour more roads this upcoming fall.

In addition to pressing for increased attention to infrastructure, I have also been advocating for reform at the Erie County Water Authority. As soon as the New York State Authorities Budget Office (ABO), an office tasked with making authorities more transparent and accountable, published a report criticizing the water authority, it became clear there is an urgent need for change. One of the ABO’s key recommendations is to remove the lone remaining commissioner from the time the report was conducted, Jerome Schad. My colleagues and I introduced a resolution to fire him in the following weeks. Unfortunately, in an attempt to protect a party-boss, deals were cut by a majority of legislators to prevent that vote. Come September, I plan to continue the push to remove Mr. Schad, and bring real reform to the Water Authority.

Aside from the day-to-day at the Legislature, I’ve enjoyed being able to spend time visiting organizations and attending events throughout the Legislative district. Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to tour the Boys and Girls Clubs of East Aurora and Elma/Marilla/Wales. Both of these locations and their directors do a tremendous job providing fun, safe extra-curricular activities for kids in our area. I also made a trip to Hawk Creek Wildlife Reserve, which is home to some of the most truly magnificent creatures. Their volunteers do great work to educate and connect our community with nature. Every year, I proudly support county funding for these organizations, and will continue to do so in the future.

As always, if you have questions or comments, please contact my office at or (716) 858-8922.