Erie County Legislature Minority Caucus donates 40 turkeys to annual ‘Rock out Hunger’ campaign

Members of the Erie County Legislature’s Minority Caucus donated and delivered 40 turkeys to 97 Rock and the Food Bank of Western New York’s 13th annual ‘Rock out Hunger’ drive at Millard Fillmore Hospital last week. All donations collected helped provide Thanksgiving meals to families in need. This year, 3,874 turkeys were collected along with a tractor-trailer full of food. Legislators Rath, Dixon and Lorigo delivered turkeys on behalf of the caucus.

Legislator Lynne Dixon said, “I’d like to thank DJ Jickster, 97 Rock, the Food Bank of WNY along with all volunteers,  donors and sponsors who continue to make ‘Rock out Hunger’ possible. We are proud to support this important community-wide effort to help feed families in need.”

Legislator Ed Rath said, “Thanks to everyone’s generous donations, Rock out Hunger is on track to be another success in helping feed families for Thanksgiving. We appreciate the collaboration between the Food Bank, DJ Jickster and all community partners to make this campaign possible year after year.”

Legislator Joe Lorigo said, “Thank you to all who have contributed to this outstanding cause. Our caucus is always proud to play a small role in helping 97 Rock and the Food Bank meet their goal of ensuring every family has access to a Thanksgiving meal.”

This year’s campaign was also sponsored by WKBW and Kaleida Health.