Legislator Mills announces availability of second emergency HEAP benefits

Erie County Legislator John J. Mills, R-Orchard Park, today announced that, effective immediately, second emergency Home Energy Assistant Program (HEAP) benefits are available to eligible households meeting the appropriate criteria. HEAP is a federally-funded program that assists low-income households with the costs of home heating and electricity.


To qualify for additional assistance, a household must meet income eligibility requirements; have exhausted both regular and first emergency benefits during the 2010-11 HEAP season; and have a current shut-off notice on either heat or “heat-related” electricity or an oil, propane, wood or other fuel supply with less than ¼ tank remaining. There is one second emergency benefit available for both heating and heat-related electric emergencies.


HEAP Income Guidelines are as follows:


Household Size

Gross Monthly Income


$ 0 - 2,129


$ 0 - 2,784


$ 0 - 3,439


$ 0 - 4,094


$ 0 - 4,749

$ 0 - 5,404

$ 0 - 5,527

$ 0 - 5,650

$ 0 - 5,773


$ 0 - 5,896


$ 0 - 6,029

11 + 

+  $468


Eligible household members may apply by calling the HEAP Assistance Hotline at 858-7644 or in person at 478 Main St., Buffalo or at any HEAP Community Access site. For additional information on the HEAP program, including benefit amounts and community access site locations, please visit http://www2.erie.gov/socialservices. To speak with Legislator Mills, please call 655-5650 or email jmills13@erie.gov.