Legislator Mills announces North Collins Library event raises $1,010 for programming

Legislator John Mills presents a donation for $1,010 to North Collins Public Library Director Mary Muscarella during a check presentation ceremony held July 23, 2013 at the library. Also pictured are Town of North Collins Clerk Maggie Orrange and Library Board Trustee Tina Cosandier. The funds were raised on June 26 at the 2nd annual Hot Dog Roast Fundraiser. 

Erie County Legislator John J. Mills is pleased to announce that the 2nd annual North Collins Public Library Hot Dog Roast Fundraiser, held June 26, raised $1,010 to support the library’s efforts to provide quality programming and materials to the greater North Collins community. The donation was presented to Library Director Mary Muscarella on July 23 during a presentation at the library.


“The North Collins Library saw a year-to-year increase of more than 25 percent thanks to the support of the community. I am looking forward to next year’s event and anticipate we’ll surpass this year’s record,” said Legislator Mills.


“The North Collins Library appreciates the dedication of Legislator Mills to the library system of Erie County.  We plan to use the funds to offer more programs and materials to the residents of North Collins.  The annual Hot Dog Roast is quickly becoming a much anticipated event of the summer here!  Thank you, Legislator Mills,” said Library Director Muscarella.


Legislator Mills’ Hot Dog Roast Fundraisers have raised nearly $40,000 for the libraries in his district.


For information on the Hot Dog Roast Fundraisers, or to speak with Legislator Mills, please contact his Legislative Office at 858-8850 or email john.mills@erie.gov.