75TH ANNIVERSARY of the attack on Pearl Harbor

Modified: December 8, 2016 3:27pm


Remembering THE 75TH ANNIVERSARY of the attack on Pearl Harbor


December 7, 2016, Wednesday 10 AM


Buffalo & Erie County Naval & Military Park

One Naval Park cove

Buffalo, NY 14202


National Anthem performed by Buffalo Dolls


Let’s remember and pay tribute to:

1)   The event that motivated a generation to become the “Greatest Generation”.


2)    The 2,403 American service members that died and the 1,178 that were wounded that day in Hawaii. 


*Light refreshments served after the ceremony


David Shenk, Director                       Paul Marzello, Director of Development & Special Projects

Erie County Veteran Services            Buffalo & Erie County Naval & Military Park

Work 716-858-6349                            Cell 716-207-3992

david.shenk@erie.gov                        paul@buffalonavalpark.Org




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