Erie County Legislator John J. Mills announces that the 7th annual Orchard Park Public Library Hot Dog Roast Fundraiser will be held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, Aug. 16 at the library, 4570 Buffalo St., Orchard Park. Sahlen’s hot dogs will be sold for $1 and Italian sausage for $2; both meals include a bottle of spring water. The event is held rain or shine.
The fundraiser will also feature a performance by the Doug the Bubbleman from 1 to 2 p.m. One of the library’s most popular programs, Doug entertains and amazes with his sleight of hand bubble magic.
“The Hot Dog Roast Fundraiser has become a great summer tradition with good food and entertainment. Please plan to stop by, all proceeds support the library,” said Legislator Mills.
Legislator Mills is also hosting a fundraiser at the West Falls – Colden Community Library, in partnership with Legislator Joseph Lorigo, from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 24, at the library, 1966 Davis Road, West Falls. Additional details to be announced.
“I hope everyone can join Legislator Mills and me on August 24th for the annual Hot Dog Roast Fundraiser to support the West Falls-Colden Community Library. The librarians and volunteers work tirelessly to serve the greater West Falls-Colden community with professionalism, kindness, and knowledge. The Hot Dog Roast Fundraiser has developed into a great community event that I am happy to continue, it’s also the best lunch deal around! Please try and stop by to support this wonderful library,” said Legislator Lorigo.
Legislator Mills has been hosting Hot Dog Roast Fundraisers in his district for seven years with nearly $40,000 raised. Proceeds from the fundraiser directly benefit the host library, helping to support its mission of supplying quality programing and materials to patrons.
For information on the Hot Dog Roast Fundraisers, please contact Legislator Mills’ Legislative Office at 858-8850 or email