Legislator Mills presents donation to Eden Library

Erie County Legislator John J. Mills is pleased to announce that the 2nd annual Eden Library Hot Dog Roast Fundraiser, held July 10, raised $1,056 to support the library’s efforts to provide quality programming and materials to the greater Eden community. The donation was presented to Library Director Joyce Muguda on Aug. 13 during a presentation at the library. Also attending the presentation were Library Trustees Bettyann Neifer, Linda Meyer, Phil Muck and Marilyn Antos.


“If you recall, the weather on the night of the fundraiser wasn’t perfect with the threat of a storm looming but that didn’t stop the community from coming out and supporting the library. We had a great turnout and the event raised $1,056, an increase of more than 30 percent. Thanks to everyone who stopped by,” said Legislator Mills.


“We are very appreciative of the sincere support Mr. Mills gives to the libraries in his district,” said Library Director Muguda, who said the funds would be used toward the purchase of shelving to display the library’s collection of CDs and DVDs.


Legislator Mills’ Hot Dog Roast Fundraisers have raised nearly $40,000 for the libraries in his district. He purchases the supplies and donates 100 percent of the proceeds.


For information on the Hot Dog Roast Fundraisers, or to speak with Legislator Mills, please contact his Legislative Office at 858-8850 or email john.mills@erie.gov.