7/11/13: Poloncarz Administration Responds to 'Deeply Flawed' Temporary Assistance Audit

Modified: January 23, 2015 3:10pm

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Mychajliw’s First Audit Violates Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards, Further Undermines Credibility as Comptroller

ERIE COUNTY, NY— Today, Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz’s administration responded to the Erie County Comptroller’s Office Audit of Eligibility and Recertification Processes within the Temporary Assistance Unit of the Department of Social Services (“DSS”) released on June 25, 2013 (“TA Audit”).

In a letter authored by DSS Commissioner Carol Dankert-Maurer, the administration criticized the Comptroller’s TA Audit as being ‘deeply flawed’, resoundingly rejected its findings, and noted that the Comptroller violated Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (“GAGAS”) as required by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (“GAO”) and Section 1802(e) of the Erie County Charter.  . 

The letter notes, “DSS supports well-founded, objective performance audits that help County government and its largest department to operate more efficiently and effectively.  However, it is clear from the conduct of Ms. [Deputy Comptroller-Audit] Fraas that the TA audit falls demonstrably short in this regard.  By all reports, the report and process employed by the Comptroller [Stefan Mychajliw] does not meet the rigorous standards of an audit under GAO standards.”

Commissioner Dankert-Maurer’s response also commented on several other issues involving data collection during the audit and the Comptroller’s decision to stop his audit after he violated confidentiality agreements with DSS.  “Based on the aforementioned numerous violations of GAGAS and deceptions as well as the other evidence cited above, DSS rejects the opinions expressed by the Comptroller’s Office in the TA audit,” added Dankert-Maurer

County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz noted, “Due to the actions of his Deputy Comptroller and the release of this deeply flawed audit, Mr. Mychajliw has completely undermined his personal credibility and damaged the reputation of the Comptroller’s Office.  This audit proves Mr. Mychajliw is more interested in manufacturing attacks on this administration for political gain than working on behalf of taxpayers to help improve County government.  It is very disappointing to see that he has transformed his office into nothing more than a partisan, political attack dog.  Erie County residents deserve better.”

Response Letter by DSS Commissioner Dankert-Maurer to the TA Audit is attached.