WIVB-TV - Poloncarz looks to make budget changes

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November 20, 2011

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) - Erie County's new Executive-elect is looking to make some changes to next year's budget even before he takes office.

Erie County Executive elect Mark Poloncarz took to the airwaves on Dave Debo's Hardline show on WBEN Sunday.

One of the central topics discussed was Mr. Poloncarz going before the legislature earlier this week to have them consider adding items to the county budget specifically funding for arts and cultural groups and the road and control programs among others.

Erie County Executive-elect Mark Poloncarz said, "Even as Comptroller I made recommendations. Whether the legislature would follow them is a whole other story. But now as County Executive- elect, I certainly am going to have to work within the parameters of whatever budget is passed."

"I'd rather work with it start in 2012 then have to wait potentially another year and not get that into place until 2013," added Poloncarz.

Mr. Poloncarz says these items, which would cost somewhere around $3 million dollars, could be applied after his team found $5 million in cuts in county government.

Poloncarz talked about now having to deal with issues he wasn't aware of before, such as the lack of funding to several county agencies that weren't reported before.

Poloncarz said, "What I find interesting is since the election, all the department heads that were saying that everything is wonderful and all hunky-dory are now coming out publicly saying 'Oh my God, we're in deep trouble. We've cut so much we can't do the job'".

The County Executive-elect also took calls from consituents about their concerns and questions, ranging from the Bills staying in Buffalo .

Poloncarz said, "I certainly do not want to see the Bills leave on my watch but we're also going to negociate a lease that is fair to everyone."

To re-opening medical clinics that were closed under Chris Collins.

"This is an example of where government can work on behalf of the people. You hear the government saying it doesn't work, but here's an example of where it worked, it made money," added Poloncarz.

Mr. Poloncarz added his awareness over people being unhappy during the previous administration, but it's now time for people to give him a chance at running the county.

Poloncarz said, "If people give me a chance, I think they'll be satisfied."
