Modified: October 25, 2018 9:46am
Created: October 25, 2018 9:46am
Mychajliw takes active role in promoting literacy programs that is critical to students’ development
Erie County Comptroller Stefan I. Mychajliw Jr. joined Family Help Center pre-school students for the annual “Read for the Record” program that promotes the importance of reading and literacy programs in schools. The popular “Read for the Record” literacy program continues to grow in numbers across the country. It teaches children a very important lesson through the partnership with community supporters like Comptroller Mychajliw.
“As the father of two, I always enjoy reading with our daughter and son. My wife, Ashley, is a social worker. We read to our children every day. Our family knows the important value of strong reading habits. I want to thank the Family Help Center for inviting me to participate in ‘Read for the Record’ to deliver that same message to students. I hope these children develop a life-long love for reading and continue to break their own records year after year,” said Comptroller Mychajliw.
Read for the Record is celebrated on October 25 and brings together millions of people each year in classrooms, libraries, community centers, and homes across the United States. This annual campaign was launched more than a decade ago to highlight the importance of building early literacy and language skills for every child, so that all children have the opportunity to enter kindergarten prepared to succeed.
Comptroller Mychajliw read “Maybe Something Beautiful” to a classroom of students. The designated book of the 2018 “Read for the Record,” authored by F. Isabel Campoy and Theresa Howell, this is a story about celebrating the magic that can happen when a community comes together to create something beautiful and bring about change.
“As a public servant, I have a responsibility to promote literacy programs across Erie County. I’m a former public school teacher. Early in my career I taught in the Buffalo Public School District. I’m also the son of Polish and Ukrainian immigrants. My parents taught me that you can achieve the beauty of the ‘American Dream’ through God’s grace, hard work and a quality education. Healthy literacy skills are the foundation of a strong education. We need to encourage reading with our children so they have the building blocks to succeed in the classroom and beyond,” concluded Comptroller Mychajliw.