Modified: July 12, 2020 10:04am
Created: July 12, 2020 10:04am
Comptroller Stefan I. Mychajliw Jr.:
“It is fitting that our Polish Pope, now Saint John Paul, appointed Bishop Kmiec to lead the Catholic flock here in Buffalo. Our Polish community beamed with pride that our 13th Bishop was of Polish descent. I knew Bishop Kmiec very well. We crossed paths often, especially at Polish based events. He will be missed by so many within our Diocese. We both lived a Cursillo weekend. We would often chat about how Cursillo changed our lives and deepened our faith. We were brothers in the Cursillo movement and I look back fondly on our deep discussions about faith, Catholicism and our lives. DeColores and God bless his soul, as Bishop Kmiec now enters his Fifth Day.”
For a PDF of the statement, please CLICK HERE.