Modified: September 14, 2021 11:50am
Created: September 14, 2021 11:50am
The Honorable
Erie County Legislature
92 Franklin Street, 4th Floor
Buffalo, NY 14202
Re: 2021 July Sales Tax
Dear Honorable Members,
The Office of New York State Comptroller notified our office that sales tax collections for the month of July has been received. Please be advised that the County Share sales tax revenue totals $42,927,047.73 for July 2021, compared to $34,963,757.12 for the same time period in 2020. July sales tax was up $7,963,290.61, or 22.78%. It is important to note that in July 2020, Erie County and the nation began to relax some of the pandemic lockdown restrictions. By July 2021 there was a significant opening of the economy.
Data shows total Erie County sales tax revenue is up 24.47% through July 2021 on a year-to-date basis, a gain of $60,881,883.16 compared to the same period last year.
Please note these numbers do not factor in 2021 American Rescue Plan federal funds and 2020 federal CARES Act funds.
The Office of Erie County Comptroller will continue to monitor this revenue source closely and report data immediately to your honorable body. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Comptroller’s Office.
Hon. Stefan I. Mychajliw
Erie County Comptroller