1/02/14: County's Forensic Lab Receives International Accreditation

Modified: January 23, 2015 3:58pm

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Central Police Services Lab Meets Highest Internationally Established Forensic Standards; Provides Testing for all EC Law Enforcement Agencies

ERIE COUNTY, NY— The Erie County Central Police Services (“CPS”) Forensic Laboratory, previously accredited under the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board (“ASCLD/LAB”) LEGACY program, has received a new and more stringent accreditation under the ASCLD/LAB INTERNATIONAL Program. The international program is based on the more rigorous ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standards along with ASCLD/LAB-developed supplemental requirements, and the accreditation is recognition that the Erie County CPS Forensic Lab is meeting internationally established forensic standards.

“Receiving this international accreditation is a testament to the professionalism and effort of the team at Erie County’s Forensic Lab, and is acknowledgement of the high-quality work they are doing every day,” said Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz. “The Lab is a vital component in helping law enforcement agencies solve crime and protect communities, and I commend them for the good work they are doing to keep us all safer. My congratulations go to the staff for their professionalism and their hard work which led to this accreditation.”

“We are confident that our Laboratory is one of the best in the country, and that our work leads to the apprehension and conviction of criminals that prey on the citizens of Western New York,” said Commissioner of Central Police Services John Glascott. “The hard work and dedication of Lab Director Dr. John Simich, Quality Manager Dr. Kori Ortt-Gawrys, and the entire Lab staff has resulted in achieving this international accreditation, further evidence of the top-notch work they do in assisting law enforcement agencies across Erie County.”

The Central Police Services Forensic Lab provides centralized scientific support and assistance in association with criminal investigations for all law enforcement agencies in and around Erie County.  This is accomplished through the scientific analysis of recovered items of physical evidence.  The lab is accredited in the following general forensic disciplines: Controlled Substances (Drugs), Biology (DNA), Trace Evidence and Firearms.  Some common examples of the types of forensic testing services provided include: the chemical identification of a white powder as containing cocaine; identifying a recovered bullet from a homicide victim as being fired by a particular gun; or identifying DNA from evidence recovered in a serious violent crime and then, through the use of the DNA Databank, identifying a particular individual as the source of the DNA.  With the international accreditation, the law enforcement community is assured that evidence submitted to the Lab will be reviewed and tested according to the highest scientific standards.