Modified: January 22, 2015 12:11pm
Reaches Agreement with Town of Hamburg to Improve 2 Miles of Rogers Road, Pass Ownership to Town
ERIE COUNTY, NY— Today, Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz announced Erie County’s (“the County’s”) intention to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with the Town of Hamburg to expedite the creation of a Railroad Quiet Zone on Rogers Road. The Town, seeking to decrease the noise level for the nearby residential community, intends to create the Zone as per the Federal Railroad Administration’s (“FRA”) Train Horn Rule. After construction is complete, however, Erie County snow plows will have difficulty plowing the road due to reduced road width at the railroad tracks.
Following meetings between the Erie County Department of Public Works and the Hamburg Town Engineer, the Town indicated a willingness to assume ownership and maintenance of approximately two (2) centerline miles of Rogers Road, upon condition that Erie County makes improvements to the road. This arrangement would both accelerate the creation of the Railroad Quiet Zone and relieve Erie County of snow plowing responsibilities in that area.
“This arrangement shows the results of cooperation between County and Town governments, and how that cooperation can better serve residents,” said Poloncarz. “Working together, we will be able to produce a result that improves the road, creates a Railroad Quiet Zone, and alleviates the County’s responsibility for two miles of Rogers Road.”
The Erie County Legislature is currently in receipt of a resolution seeking their authorization to enter into the MOU, without which the Town will not be able to proceed with the Quiet Zone project. Upon approval, the Department of Public Works will work with the Department of Law to prepare the MOU with the Town.
The cost of the improvements to Rogers Road will be funded from the 2013 Capital Budget (Capital Overlay Program) and a future resolution will be presented to the Legislature in 2013 for the construction phase.