1/2/15: Audit Reveals Clean Bill of Health at EC Correctional Facility

Modified: January 23, 2015 3:37pm

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Poloncarz Notes Comptroller’s Performance Audit, Cites “Adequate Internal Controls” in Audited Departments

ERIE COUNTY, NY— Today, Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz noted the positive results of a recently-completed performance audit of Correctional Health Services and inmate medical costs at both the Erie County Correctional Facility and the Erie County Holding Center. Performed by the office of Erie County Comptroller Stefan Mychajliw, the audit sought to assess internal controls over activities related to medical care for incarcerated individuals, evaluate internal controls over inmate medical costs, and document cost trends associated with inmate medical care along with the specific areas where inmate medical care was provided.

In a letter to the Erie County legislature attached to the audit findings, the Comptroller notes that “internal controls within Health over the processing of inmate medical costs are adequate” and “the internal controls in place within the Sheriff’s Office governing financial processing of costs to medical care were adequate.” The audit also notes the “improvements being made” to the county’s correctional health system following the implementation of the NYS Commission on Correction’s (“COC”) and Department of Justice’s (“DOJ”) established mandates.

“The results of this audit show that the Department of Correctional Health has the correct internal controls in place regarding medical care and costs, and that those controls are appropriate, effective, and being adhered to,” said Erie County Executive Poloncarz. “Additionally, the mandates imposed on Erie County to improve correctional health are being executed in a way that, while costly, is aligned with NYS recommendations. This audit is a clean bill of health for our Correctional Health Services.”

The audit, titled "Audit of Correctional Health Services and Inmate Medical Costs," covers the period from January 1, 2011 – December 31, 2013. The audit also recommends exploring the feasibility of enrolling inmates in Medicaid health insurance plans, as well as the possibility of instituting inmate co-pays for medical services, despite the fact that such co-pays are not currently permitted under NYS law.