Modified: January 23, 2015 3:15pm
New Twitter Handle to Aggregate Information from All County Departments
ERIE COUNTY, NY— Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz has announced the launch of a new Twitter account that will aggregate all Erie County news into one central place. The @ErieCountyNY Twitter account is designed for all media, Erie County residents, and anyone interested in what’s going on in Erie County to find up-to-the-minute news and information on events from all the departments of Erie County government in one, central place.
“With this Twitter launch, the latest information on what is happening in Erie County is available instantaneously, as many county departments are already posting their news as it happens and more departments will soon join them,” said Poloncarz. “County information and updates, resources, and news on programs and services will be instantly accessible without filters, spam or other distractions. I encourage all residents to use @ErieCountyNY for all Erie County-related information.”
The @ErieCountyNY Twitter will also be the official source for information during emergency and disaster management situations. Especially during winter weather emergencies, constituents are increasingly turning to social media for instant news alerts and updates. Erie County will respond to this need by working with partners in government to provide a concise stream of necessary information.
Media outlets are encouraged to link news stories to the @ErieCountyNY Twitter account and to use the hashtag #eriecounty when covering news and events from county departments.
In addition to the main @ErieCountyNY account, several county departments also have Twitter accounts that contain more specialized information to each department. The existing accounts are:
- Erie County Emergency Services: @ErieCountyESU
- Erie County Commission on the Status of Women: @ECCStatusWomen
- Erie County Department of Public Works: @ErieCountyDPW
- Erie County Social Services: @ECSocServices
- Erie County Department of Environment & Planning: @ErieCoDEP
- Erie County Health Department: @ECDOH
- Erie County Veterans Services: @CountyVeterans
- Erie County Department of Parks & Recreation: @ErieCountyParks