9/3/14: Poloncarz Announces Addition to 2014 Road Repair Schedule

Modified: January 23, 2015 3:13pm

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Abbott Road project will resurface road from Route 20A to Armor Duells Road

ERIE COUNTY, NY— Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz was joined by Commissioner of the Erie County Department of Public Work John Loffredo today to announce that Abbott Road in Orchard Park has been added to the extensive slate of County-owned roads to be repaired in 2014, weather permitting. The section of Abbott between Route 20A and Armor Duells Road, which carries 6,700 vehicles each day, will be fully resurfaced following a mill & overlay operation tentatively scheduled to begin (weather permitting) on September 22 and be completed by October 3.

“Adding Abbott Road to the already-busy 2014 road repair schedule is further proof of my administration’s commitment to providing motorists and residents with the best roads we can, and demonstrates that we will take advantage of the weather as long as we can to continue working on our infrastructure,” said Poloncarz. “With over $60 million spent on our roads, bridges, and culverts over the past two years, we are reaching into all corners of Erie County to address road issues as soon as possible. In fact, Erie County is conducting 60 individual road projects in 20 municipalities this year alone, along with numerous smaller endeavors. While the weather is always a concern for projects this late in the season, we remain determined to complete all projects scheduled for this year.”

“I am very happy to see that the County Executive has identified the funding necessary to do the Abbott Road project, which is greatly needed,” said Erie County Legislator John Mills (R-11th District). “This project will improve the safety of residents and motorists alike, both those using this route every day and those travelling on Abbott Road to attend games and events at the stadium.”

Weather permitting, repairs to Abbott Road will begin on September 22 as the roadway is milled down approximately 3.5 inches prior to being resurfaced with new materials by October 3. Traffic disruptions will be minimized, as the milling operation permits driving while ongoing. Additionally, the Buffalo Bills will be playing two road games following their home game on September 21; the club will not return to Ralph Wilson Stadium until October 12. The cost for the complete mill & overlay on this 1.88 mile stretch of Abbott Road is approximately $850,000.