Completed Culvert Replacement Re Opens Boston State Road

Modified: December 5, 2016 1:34pm

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The Erie County Department of Public Works’ Highways Division has announced the substantial completion of a culvert replacement project on Boston State Road (CR-227) in the Town of Boston that will mitigate historic clogging and concurrent flooding issues for surrounding properties. The culvert crossing carries a tributary to the Eighteen Mile Creek under Boston State Road.

The project included the removal of an existing 4’ x 3’ concrete box culvert, upstream and downstream concrete headwalls and adjacent drainage inlets. These were replaced with a new 77” x 52” corrugated metal pipe arch (“CMPA”) culvert, two parallel 18-inch high density polyethylene (“HDPE”) pipe culverts and the construction of upstream and downstream reinforced concrete headwalls. Four additional concrete drainage inlets, concrete gutters and 12” HDPE pipe were also installed to improve drainage adjacent to Boston State Road. The project also included installation of upstream and downstream bank protection and a rock grade stabilization structure.\

Replacement on the culvert (#227-8) began on October 25 and forced a detour on Boston State Road from South Abbott Road to Herman Hill Road, a distance of about one mile. The project contractor was Michael Serafini, Inc. while design engineering was performed by the Erie County Soil and Water Conservation District in East Aurora.

For more information:

On the Erie County Department of Public Works, visit