Modified: July 2, 2019 3:17pm

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Today, Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz announced his appointment of Troy P. Schinzel to the position of Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Forestry, a position Schinzel had held from January 2012 - November 2015 before resigning to accept a position with the Dallas (TX) Parks and Recreational Department. Schinzel has extensive experience in Parks and Recreation leadership and management, counting ten years of service to the Monmouth County (NJ) Park System (along with three years of service there as the county Superintendent of Fleet Services) in addition to his nearly four years as Erie County Commissioner of Parks and three years of service in the Dallas Parks Department, ending his time there as an Interim Manager III. Schinzel will succeed now-retired former Parks Commissioner Daniel J. Rizzo, who left the position on June 30.


“It is my great pleasure to announce that former Commissioner Troy Schinzel has accepted an appointment to return to the position of Erie County Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Forestry. Troy was an outstanding commissioner, who left the Parks position to accompany his wife as she went to work in Dallas. Realizing the grass isn’t always greener elsewhere, they wished to come back to Erie County and now we are happy to have him back,” said Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz. “There is a lot happening in our Parks, and with the retirement of our last commissioner we need someone in the position who is familiar with our Parks, understands the Parks’ Master Plan, and can get things done. We are pleased to welcome Troy back to the Erie County team and look forward to working with him to improve our Parks for future generations.”


Incoming Parks Commissioner Troy P. Schinzel added, “I am thrilled to be returning to the Erie County team and am looking forward to continuing the momentum that is happening in our beautiful Parks thanks to the leadership of the Poloncarz administration.”


Schinzel will officially start later this month.



For more information:


On the Erie County Department of Parks, Recreation and Forestry visit http://www2.erie.gov/parks/ 




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