Modified: November 2, 2018 10:02am
The Erie County Fiscal Stability Authority (“ECFSA”) Board of Directors yesterday unanimously passed a resolution approving the Proposed 2019 Erie County Budget and accompanying Four Year Plan (‘the Plan”), submitted by the Poloncarz administration on October 12. In their resolution the ECFSA Board stated their finding that “the 2019-2022 financial plan is complete and compliant with NYS Public Authorities Law” and that as a result the ECFSA itself would remain in an advisory status.
“I thank the Erie County Fiscal Stability Authority Board for their affirming vote, which underscores the strength of the proposed 2019 budget and demonstrates that it is a reasonable financial course for the county to follow in the coming year and beyond. My proposed 2019 budget cuts taxes significantly while investing in infrastructure, public health, economic development initiatives and more,” said Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz. “It is encouraging that the ECFSA Board approves of the Proposed Budget and Four Year Plan and is a sign that our proposal is sound, responsible, and workable.”
The 2019 Proposed Budget is now before the Erie County legislature, who must vote on it by December 10, 2018.
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