Modified: October 30, 2020 9:37am

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The Erie County Fiscal Stability Authority (“ECFSA”) Board of Directors today   unanimously passed a resolution approving the Proposed 2021 Erie County Budget and accompanying Four Year Plan (“the Plan”), submitted by the Poloncarz administration on October 15. In their resolution the ECFSA Board stated that “the 2021-2024 Plan contains actions sufficient to ensure with respect to the major operating funds for each fiscal year of the plan – including budget year 2021 and the Out Years – that annual aggregate operating expenses for such fiscal year shall not exceed annual aggregate operating revenues for such fiscal year” and that “the 2021-2024 Plan is complete and otherwise complies with the requirements of Section 3957 and the ECFSA Act.”


ECFSA analysis of the 2021 Proposed Budget and Plan also noted that “the county’s ongoing and, current year, in particular fiscal management, has been exemplary, among local governments, in navigating the financial issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The county has adjusted its budget and staffing levels in a way to still provide mandated and desired services while not using if-come revenues,” and that “Erie County has been proactive in dealing with the potentially devastating health and financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic”, closing with “in closing, we want to reiterate that the county, leading up to and during pandemic, has performed admirably in protecting the health of its residents and on the related financial and economic issues.  The county is positioned to rebound once the pandemic is alleviated.”    


“I thank the Erie County Fiscal Stability Authority Board for their analysis of the Proposed Budget and Four Year Plan and for their affirming vote. The Board’s approval reinforces the fact that this is a prudent and reasonable financial blueprint for Erie County to follow as we work through the COVID-19 pandemic and into the future,” said Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz. “This Proposed Budget was not easy to produce and required my team and I to make hard choices, as the position we are in was not created by any action or mistake of our own. Despite those challenges we produced a balanced Proposed Budget that protects public health, lowers the property tax rate, and invests in infrastructure while staying fiscally cautious.”


The 2021 Proposed Budget is now before the Erie County legislature, who must vote on it by December 8, 2020. 


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