Modified: August 20, 2020 11:20am
Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz today announced that Erie County will be designating a portion of its coronavirus relief funds, more than $15.2 million, from the U.S. CARES Act to support local school districts in their efforts to bring students and staff back to school and/or enable distance learning. Erie County will provide each school district in the county with $100 per student and an additional $50 for each student classified as economically-disadvantaged by the NYS Education Department.
“We are all in this together, and as school districts prepare for the new school year Erie County is supporting them with funding to help them put protections in place and plan for remote learning,” said Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz. “Budgets are tight everywhere while many local districts are searching for ways to augment their own protective efforts and enhance their distance-learning capabilities. Earlier today I discussed this support plan with area school Superintendents, who appreciate the assistance and will put it to use in their own districts.”
Eligible uses of this funding include:
• Purchasing personal protective equipment (“PPE”),
• Purchasing sanitizing equipment,
• Implementing social distancing and other infection-control measures, and
• Purchasing equipment for remote learning including laptops, tablets, webcams and hotspots.
28 school districts and 19 charter schools will receive a total of $15,269,150 in funding. Schools will be required to certify that all expenditures meet US Treasury Department guidelines and enter into a contract with Erie County agreeing to follow such guidelines. School enrollment figures are based on data from the NYS Education Department.
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