Modified: March 5, 2018 2:44pm
Time is running out to order tree and shrub seedlings through Erie County Soil and Water Conservation District’s 2018 Conservation Tree and Shrub Seedling Program. Planting trees and shrubs provides wildlife cover and food, stabilizes soil, protects water quality, shelters crops and landscape, reduces air pollution, and reduces heating and cooling expenses.
Order forms for the 2018 Conservation Tree and Shrub Seedling Sale are now available from Erie County Soil and Water Conservation District. Orders are due by March 16, 2018 and pick-up will be on Saturday April 21, 2018 at the Fairgrounds in Hamburg.
The program offers thirty-eight species of seedlings including evergreens, hardwood trees and conservation shrubs. The District also offers eleven varieties of four-year-old evergreen transplants. The bare-root plants are sold in pre-packaged bundles of various sizes and seedling sampler packs are available for attracting songbirds, butterflies and wildlife. Also for sale are wildflower seed mixes, fertilizer tablets, marking flags, and tree shelters to protect your seedlings.
Order forms may be obtained by:
• stopping at the District office at 50 Commerce Way in East Aurora (behind Post Office), or
• by calling (716) 652-8480 ext. 5, or
• by printing the order form from the District website at .
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