Modified: August 10, 2018 1:51pm
Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz has been named the first chairman of the New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC) Climate Resiliency Committee, a position that will allow Poloncarz to lead elected officials from across the state in addressing climate change and working collaboratively to create more resilient communities.
“I am pleased to have been named chair of this important committee because I am passionate about identifying ways to protect our county, as well as our state, our nation and the entire world, from the impacts of climate change. There is no debate among the experts in the scientific community that issues such as greenhouse gas emission consumption and other environmental concerns are real and something we cannot ignore,” said Poloncarz. “I look forward to working closely with my colleagues from NYSAC who will serve on this committee as we seek ways to address climate change and promote resiliency in our infrastructure. While each of our individual efforts might seem small in the totality addressing of climate change, collectively we can make a difference in creating a greener, cleaner planet for all.”
Poloncarz exhibited previous leadership on the issue of climate change last year when he issued an Executive Order in response to the federal decision to withdraw from the international Paris Climate Agreement. County departments later prepared a report to implement a plan of action for Erie County to meet the goals set out in the Paris Climate Agreement by 2025.
The report, entitled “Erie County Commits to Paris: How Erie County Can Meet U.S. Target Reductions for Greenhouse Gas Emissions,” was completed earlier this year by a working group comprised of county officials, environmental advocacy organizations and other community stakeholders. It describes in detail a number of policies, partnerships, and strategic plans that can be implemented to mitigate climate change at the local level and help position Erie County as a leader and partner on this critical issue.
Poloncarz will present a workshop as chairman of the NYSAC Climate Resiliency Committee at the 2018 NYSAC Fall Seminar, which will be held in Monroe County on September 25.
For more information:
To read Executive Order No. 17 on the Enforcement of the Paris Climate Agreement, click here.
To read the Erie County Commits to Park report, click here.