Modified: August 31, 2018 1:25pm
The Erie County Department of Budget and Management today announced finalized results of the July 2018 Budget Monitoring Report (“BMR”), which showed that for the first seven months of 2018 the County has a positive variance of $11,114,040. This variance is largely due to continued greater than expected sales tax growth and continues strong growth seen throughout the first half of 2018, which included sales tax growth of 6.73 percent in the second quarter. Additional key benefit was realized from cost savings in Social Services program areas and from reduced fringe benefit levels.
“The July BMR is another good report for Erie County, continuing a strong year of sales tax receipts that have been consistently greater than budgetary estimates. Each year my administration and the Office of Budget and Management keep a close eye on sales tax, which is an essential part of the county budget, in order to build an annual budget that is conservative and realistic when forecasting the amount of sales tax that is projected to be realized,” said Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz. “It is always welcome when sales tax receipts exceed our conservative estimates, which is the case for July 2018 as it has been for the first half of the year. Prudent, sensible budgeting and close scrutiny of county finances have been the hallmarks of my administration and this positive variance reflects that approach.”
Monthly budget monitoring reports are required by the Erie County Code and are submitted to the Erie County Legislature and Comptroller. They are available for review to the general public by clicking here.
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