Celebrate EMS Week with us!

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Every day, you’re called upon to help others through one of the most frightening times of their lives. Every day, you’re called upon to provide a sense of security and relief during chaotic and challenging situations. Every day, you’re called upon to do the work that only a select few can do. Every day, you’re "Called to Care."

Called to Care is the theme of EMS Week 2016 (May 15-21) and we want you to help us celebrate all the great people engaged in Emergency Medical Services by joining us for a press conference and reception on Monday May 16th at 2pm at the Training & Operations Center in Cheektowaga.

Please RSVP to the EMS Office at 681-6070 to let us know how many people and apparatus you're bringing.

Thanks for all you do for our community throughout the year and especially during this special week designed to recognize all the great people who are Called to Care!

If you think you've been Called to Care – please consider joining one of our county's five volunteer emergency squads and learn more by visiting: iVolunteerEMS.org.