6/10/15: NYS DEC Confirms Overflow Eliminations

Modified: June 10, 2015 10:32am

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NYSDEC Order of Consent with Village of Hamburg Fulfilled, Department Closes File as Requirements are Met 

Cooperation between Erie County, Village of Hamburg Eliminates Sanitary Sewer Overflows

ERIE COUNTY, NY— The Erie County Department of Environment and Planning Division of Sewerage Management has announced that the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (“NYSDEC”) has closed the file on an Order of Consent that had been in place on the Village of Hamburg for sewer systems violations that existed prior to Erie County’s takeover of the system. When Erie County Sewer District (“ECSD”) No.3 assumed ownership, operation, and maintenance of the Village’s sanitary sewer system following a 2005 merger, four sanitary sewer overflows in the Village’s system had placed the Village under an Order on Consent with the NYSDEC. The last of four overflows was eliminated with the completion of the Crescent Avenue Pumping Station project in 2013, while other system improvements conducted collaboratively by ECSD No. 3 and the Village since 2005 have provided elimination of the other three overflows and added significant upgrades to the sanitary sewers system.

“The completion of these projects has resulted in a better system, with savings for ratepayers, elimination of duplicative services, and a cleaner environment due to increased protection for nearby 18 Mile Creek. The DEC’s action to close the file on this Order of Consent underscores the power of this partnership and is the final chapter in this success story,” said Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz. “As I said in my 'Initiatives for a Smart Economy' address, our water resources are a vital part of our economy and need to be preserved and restored. The elimination of all four overflows is a tremendous step in the right direction, and I would like to thank our partners in Village government and ECSD No. 3 for their help in getting this done.”

In the past decade, cooperative efforts involving the County and Village have resulted in several positive outcomes addressing sewer issues. In 2005, 1,400 lineal feet of sanitary sewer pipe lining along Boston State Road/ East Main Street was addressed using trenchless rehabilitation methods; in 2006, the Pleasant Avenue overflow weir structure was eliminated; in 2007, approximately 12,900 lineal feet of sewer rehabilitation/replacement was incorporated in the New York State Department of Transportation’s reconstruction of U.S. Route 62, along with the elimination of the connection to the Woodview Avenue overflow.

In 2009, another 12,667 lineal feet of sanitary sewer was rehabilitated or replaced, including upgrades in the vicinity of Browning Drive that eliminated the overflow in that area, while most recently the Hillview pumping station and its associated overflow were eliminated with the new Crescent Avenue Pumping Station. Additionally, in 2013 approximately 1,500 lineal feet of 8-inch and 10-inch diameter sanitary sewer pipe along Charlotte, Sherburn, Clark and Cherry streets was installed, eliminating three pumping stations and reducing extraneous flows within the system. Numerous other improvements were completed by the County during the course of its operation and maintenance services. As a result of these efforts, there has not been a single sanitary sewer overflow in the Village since 2012.

The total cost for the construction of these projects amounted to $3.9 million.


For more information:

On the Erie County Division of Sewerage Management and Erie County Sewer District No. 3, visit: http://www2.erie.gov/dsm/

On the Village of Hamburg, visit: http://www.villageofhamburg.com/