Poloncarz Signs Executive Order Supporting County Employees in Military Reserves

Modified: September 9, 2016 1:47pm

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Today, Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz was joined by Erie County Commissioner of Personnel David Palmer, county personnel and military reservists as he signed Executive Order #015, a Commemoration and Expansion of Legislature Resolution #10 (Communication 1E-15) regarding an Increase and Extension of Benefits for Reserve Military Personnel Called to Active Duty.

The resolution protecting and preserving negotiated county employee benefits was carried unanimously by the Legislature in January 2002; the new Executive Order commemorates and extends that resolution to expand existing benefits to individuals who serve both long- and short-term deployments. It also allows for more time for reservists who experience sudden call ups to provide documentation of their service.

“Reservists in all branches of service are the backbone of our military and their service to our country is to be commended. We are honored to have men and women working for Erie County who have also answered the call to service, and today I am signing an Executive Order that will give these individuals peace of mind following a call up to active duty,” said Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz. “Originally proposed by County Executive Giambra and passed unanimously by the Legislature in 2002, today we are extending this resolution in order to accommodate varying terms of active duty for our reservists, who may be away anywhere from two weeks to a number of months. We value and honor our reservists and thank them for the great job they do.”

Prior Executive Orders issued by Poloncarz include the Establishment of an Opioid Epidemic Task Force, Pay Equity Certification on County Contracts, and Implementation of the Erie County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan.

All 15 Executive Orders can be seen by clicking the link below:
