Modified: October 28, 2016 1:48pm
The Erie County Department of Public Works’ (“DPW”) Highways division has announced upcoming safety improvements planned for the intersection of Genesee Road (CR 409), Route 240 and Sibley Road (CR 432) in the Town of Concord. Recent accidents at the intersection and potential improvements to the site were the subjects of discussions between the DPW and Town officials, with a review of accident reports at the site revealing that many were caused by drivers on Genesee Road failing to yield the Right of Way to motorists traveling on Route 240, which does not stop. The review spanned the past three years of traffic reports from the site.
Federal funding has been secured for the study, design, and construction of intersection improvements at this location. A consultant will soon be selected to complete the study, which will include the comparison of various options including a 4-way stop, signal, or roundabout for the intersection. Factors to be considered in the selection of an alternative traffic configuration include traveler safety, the location of Evergreen Cemetery, maintenance costs, and Right of Way acquisition. Construction on the selected alternative is anticipated to begin in Spring 2018 with a budget of $760,000.
An Erie County DPW review of the signage at this intersection found that while it is currently properly signed, additional signage can be added to provide increased emphasis on traffic control. Prior to the study’s commencement, oversized STOP and CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP signs will be installed along Genesee Road to increase driver attention to the STOP sign. Additional advanced warning signs will be placed along Genesee Road in advance of the intersection to alert drivers of the stop-controlled intersection and provide time for them to slow to a complete stop. This new signage will be in place by the first week of November.
For more information:
On the Erie County Department of Public Works’ Highways Division, click here.