Modified: October 31, 2016 2:14pm
“Parks are a vital asset to any community, and I thank the Erie County Department of Environment and Planning for their focus on securing the state and federal grants necessary to making this acquisition,” said Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz. “We are entrusted with preserving and maintaining natural spaces like Seneca Bluffs for future generations, and this growth is a good example of our shared commitment to do that.”
“The addition of this natural parkland is a substantial and meaningful contribution to the community. The park will add habitat value and beneficial uses for both the neighborhood and for numerous other restoration projects occurring along the Buffalo River,” said Thomas R. Hersey, Jr., Commissioner of Environment & Planning. “Seneca Bluffs will be operated as a passive use natural habitat park and will remain as green space forever. Additional funding will be sought to control invasive species throughout the newly-acquired property, as well as for plantings and other improvements.”
Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Forestry Daniel J. Rizzo added, “The Erie County Parks system offers 10,000 acres to explore and residents can have great natural experiences in our Parks all year long. With strategic acquisitions such as Seneca Bluffs we can grow our Parks system in areas like the City, bringing nature to the forefront in the community.”
Earlier this month, Seneca Bluffs was closed to the public until 2017 due to construction of shoreline and habitat restorations. The construction is being managed by the US Army Corps of Engineers with funding awarded to them by the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. The project will restore over 3,000 linear feet of natural shoreline using bioengineering techniques to reduce shoreline erosion, create in-water structural habitat, and include intensive invasive species management while establishing a new native plant community.
The land acquisitions and shoreline improvements will revitalize fish and wildlife populations, while helping to restore healthy ecosystems in the Buffalo River and provide an enhanced experience for all Erie County residents.
For more information:
On the Erie County Department of Environment and Planning, visit
On the Erie County Department of Parks, Recreation and Forestry, visit