Modified: April 26, 2021 8:13am
Erie County Parks is now accepting shelter and building reservations for the 2021 season. Shelters are available for use between May 15th and October 15th. Buildings are available for use between July 5th and Dec 31st with sporatic unavailability due to scheduled Parks special events.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, reservations are limited to shelters with a total capacity of 100 persons. No buildings or shelters with capacities greater than 100 persons will be rented until further notice. Group sizes must not exceed current NYS guidlines for "mass gatherings." Masks must be warn when you are unable to maintain at least 6 ft from others and when utlizing any restroom facility. Failure to comply with these guildlines and other Parks rules will result in ejection of your group with no refund provided.
To reserve a shelter or building, please click here.
For photos of rentable shelters and buildings, please go to the Parks and Areas page and click on the specific Park you are interested in.
For a list of all Erie County Parks rules, please click here.