More Information:
- Buffalo & Erie County Public Library
- Cantalician Center for Learning
- Child & Family Support Program of the Mental Health Association of Erie County, Inc.
- Connections: A Guide to Transitional Services in Erie County
- Erie County Department of Social Services, Children’s Services, Kinship Caregiver Manual
- Erie County Department of Social Services Kinship Unit
- EPIC—Every Person Influences Children, Inc.
- Kinship Consortium
- Mid-Erie Counseling and Treatment Services
- New York State Office for the Aging, Targeted Caregivers Initiative
- People, Inc.
- Parenting Without Instructions
- Mental Health Association in Niagara County, Inc.
- Support Groups for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

The Buffalo & Erie County Public Library provides a multitude of resources for education and entertainment in Erie County’s many and varied communities. The Central Library’s Humanities and Social Science department, located in the heart of downtown Buffalo, offers materials dealing with parenting, grandparenting, child custody and coping with tragedies as a child or an adult. The services provided at Central also include free Internet access, public computer classes, children's programming throughout the year, college and career information and a knowledgeable staff to assist with an individual’s informational needs.
For information about the Buffalo & Erie County Public Library services, call (716) 858-8900 or visit