Kidney Disease Awareness Month declared in Erie County

Erie County marked Kidney Disease Awareness Month for the first time this past month. Through a resolution sponsored by Legislator Edward Rath and Legislator Ted Morton, March was proclaimed Kidney Disease Awareness Month in perpetuity.


A kidney donor, Legislator Morton has been an advocate for the Kidney Connection, which connects live donors with patients in need. He now is encouraging all residents to be vigil when it comes to the health of their kidneys.


“Through Kidney Disease Awareness Month, Erie County is bringing to light an issue that affects one in every 10 adults in this country. Today, kidney disease is the ninth leading cause of death in the United States, with more than 95,000 people waiting for kidney transplants. I was blessed to be able to be a donor, and the man I donated to lived for many years after, being able to enjoy his family,” said Legislator Morton. “Please, familiarize yourself with the symptoms of chronic kidney disease and help spread awareness about this life-threatening disease.”


The resolution, which was approved at the March 17 session, designates March as Kidney Disease Awareness Month in Erie County and will be recognized annually.


“Anything we can do to raise awareness about the issues impacting our residents is critical. Unfortunately, many of our neighbors battle chronic kidney disease and our hope is to educate residents about the warning signs and risk factors, and encourage early screening, especially for those at greater risk,” said Legislator Rath.


For additional information, please visit


The Legislators also remind residents that April is National Donate Life Month and encourage those who are able to consider registering as an organ donor. More information is available at or at Those who are interested in learning more about live kidney donation, especially through a local organization, should visit


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