Minority Caucus names Mills leader for 2012

ErieCountyLegislator John J. Mills had the unanimous support of the Minority Caucus to serve as Minority Leader of the Erie County Legislature for 2012. Minority Leader Mills has held the post since 2007.


The Minority Caucus, including Legislators Lynne Dixon, Kevin Hardwick, Joseph Lorigo, and Edward Rath III, confirmed the appointment during the annual reorganizational meeting held Thursday, Jan. 5.


“I am honored to once again have the support of my colleagues to serve as Minority Leader of the Legislature. There are a lot of changes occurring, including a new administration under County Executive Mark Poloncarz, and new, larger legislative districts. The Legislature will have to work together to handle the challenges that come with balancing a budget while providing services and maintaining an aging infrastructure. I look forward to working with my Caucus members and the entire Legislature to put forward resolutions that will improve Erie County,” said Minority Leader Mills.


The Minority Caucus’ responsibilities escalate this term as the divide among caucuses is very slim, separated by one Legislator. The Majority Caucus holds six seats while the Minority Caucus has five.


“The Minority Caucus has control over whether or not the County will spend surplus dollars or bond for expenditures because both actions need a super majority approval, eight votes,” said Minority Leader Mills. “It will be imperative that both sides work together on all issues to ensure that tax dollars are allocated efficiently.

The Minority Caucus will have a stronger voice in the 11-member body and I think this will bring improved efficiency to county government and programs.”


Legislator Joseph Lorigo congratulated Minority Leader Mills on his appointment.


“John Mills has proven himself to be a man of good character and judgment. I was happy to lend my support to Legislator Mills, and look forward to working with him during the next year,” said Legislator Lorigo.


The Legislature will hold its next session at 2 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 26, in Legislative Chambers, 92 Franklin St.,Buffalo. For additional information, please visit www.erie.gov/legislature.


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