Legislator Miller-Williams' District 1 HEAP Outreach Event Planned

Modified: November 19, 2018 8:11pm


H.E.A.P. Outreach Site at True Bethel Taste of Faith Food Pantry


Erie County Legislator Barbara Miller-Williams will conduct a Home Energy Assistance Program (H.E.A.P.) Outreach Site on Wednesday November 28 at True Bethel Charities, located at 594 Winslow Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14211. The outreach workshop will be held from 9:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m.


All eligible households may submit an application to receive services for the Emergency H.E.A.P. benefit, Electric Assistance, Weatherization Assistance program, Heating Equipment Repair or Replacement Assistance program and the Heating Equipment (Furnace) Clean and Tune Assistance program. Constituents are encouraged to apply for the benefit even if their bill is current so that the H.E.A.P. benefit can be applied as a credit to their account. If an applicant is missing information, they may be allowed to mail the information and complete the application process.


Applicants should bring the following documentation to the workshop:


  • Proof of income received within last 30 days for all household members (pay stubs, SS or pension award letters, proof of child support, rental income, unemployment benefits, workers comp, etc.)
  • At least one form of ID for all household members, unless a driver’s license is provided
  • Current utility bills, shut off or disconnect notices, if applicable
  • Proof of all household resources including: current checking and savings account bank statements, proof of other resources (stocks, bonds, CDs, IRAs, 401k, etc.)
  • If applicant is missing information, we allow the customer ten (10) business days to provide the information needed to fulfill application requirement

Visit www2.erie.gov and follow the HEAP link for complete program details.


H.E.A.P. is a federally funded program to assist Erie County residents with their heating bills. The H.E.A.P. outreach will be administered by the Erie County Departments of Social Services and Senior Services and is open to all income eligible households.


For information or assistance, please contact Legislator Barbara Miller-Williams’ District Office at (716) 842-0490 or e-mail bmw@erie.gov or the H.E.A.P. Hotline at (716) 858-7644.




District 1 HEAP TRUE BETHEL 2018-2019 (2).pdf436.54 KB


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