Legislator Dixon announces signing of amended Social Host Law

Modified: January 2, 2019 5:06pm


Earlier this week, Erie County Legislator Lynne Dixon’s amended Social Host Law was signed by the County Executive.  The new law makes it illegal for an adult or ‘social host’ to knowingly serve opioids and illegal drugs to minors on their property.  Legislator Dixon’s original Social Host Law passed in 2014, which made it illegal for homeowners to serve alcohol to minors on their property.

Legislator Dixon said, “Since the first Social Host Law passed, it has become clear that the problem goes beyond underage drinking.  With the amended version of the law now in effect, we are strengthening our fight against the drug and opioid epidemic in Erie County. I would like to thank all who helped achieve our goal of getting this legislation passed to protect our youth including local law enforcement representatives and substance abuse prevention groups.”

Robin Mann, Executive Director of the Erie County Council for the Prevention of Substance and Alcohol Abuse said, “Legislation and enforcement to help keep our youth safe is important. As we know, misuse and abuse of drugs can be harmful, dangerous, addictive and even fatal.”

Town of Hamburg Police Chief Gregory Wickett said, “The opioid epidemic has caused distress to individuals and families in Erie County and across the country. This law is a logical extension of the Social Host Law which was passed by the Legislature in 2014. Any person who would willingly allow our young people to use these lethal drugs on their property should be held accountable. Law enforcement is dedicated to working with our lawmakers to do whatever we can to help with this crisis.”

The law imposes the following punishments, enforceable by any police agency in Erie County:
•         $250 fine for first time offenders
•         $500 fine for second offense
•         $1,000 fine or up to a year of jail time for third and subsequent offenders

A copy of the amended Social Host Law can be found here.


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