Dixon, Rath, Mills effort to oppose driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants blocked in Erie County Legislature

Modified: June 6, 2019 3:25pm


Thursday afternoon, Legislators Rath, Dixon, and Mills attempted to call a vote on their resolution opposing a state proposal to give driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. Members of the Majority Caucus in the Legislature refused to allow the item to be voted on, despite the impact it will have on Erie County.

Legislator Dixon said, “Erie County needs to take a stand to protect legal immigrants and citizens. This legislation will make it easier for illegal undocumented immigrants to obtain government identification than Erie County residents. We shouldn’t reward those who broke federal immigration laws and are in the country illegally. It is troubling that my colleagues in the Legislature will not even allow a vote on this issue knowing the consequences it will have on our community. I think all Erie County officials, the Clerk, the Comptroller, Sheriff and County Executive Poloncarz need to voice their opposition to this irresponsible legislation.”

Legislator Rath said, “We know the consequence this legislation will have on clerks and law enforcement in New York State, including preventing officers from being able to accessing access necessary information during traffic stops. Over 60 percent of New York residents are opposed to this legislation, and as the largest county in Upstate New York, Albany needs to hear our voice on this issue before this legislation likely passes next week.”

Legislator Mills said, “County clerks and law enforcement across New York State remain widely opposed to this legislation. This policy ignores federal law and puts undue stress on our county clerks and their employees who would be responsible for processing applications to obtain a driver’s license. My colleagues and I do not support this legislation and it is a shame that members of the Majority Caucus are refusing to allow us to take a vote.”

County clerks in all eight (8) counties of Western New York have raised opposition to the legislation as well as the New York State Association of Police Chiefs and New York State Police PBA.

A copy of the resolution, which remains in the Legislature’s Government Affairs Committee, can be viewed here.


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