Legislator Greene calls on Erie County Health Department to review and update school social distancing guidelines

Modified: March 19, 2021 1:50pm


Following the updated CDC guidelines allowing schools to move their classroom social distancing policies from 6 feet to 3 feet, Erie County Legislator Chris Greene is calling on the Erie County Health Department to update their policy in order to get more students back into classrooms.

Based on a study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases on March 10, 2021, which compared the two physical distancing standards at 242 school districts throughout Massachusetts, it is clear that 3 feet of distance between students is just as safe as 6 feet, provided that masks are worn (New York Times: A New Study Suggests Students Can Be Just 3 Feet Apart Safely).  Legislator Greene is the lead sponsor on a resolution in the Erie County Legislature urging the Health Department to update their guidelines.

Legislator Greene said, “This is a huge step in getting our students back to school full time. The 6 foot guideline made it physically impossible for all the students to fit into a classroom, but the 3 foot distance makes full time schooling a real possibility.  I am urging the Erie County Department of Health to immediately update their guidelines to match the new CDC social distancing standard for schools.  I know many school districts have been preparing for this change and with direction from the Erie County Department of Health, each local school district can confidently move forward to finalize their preparation to bring kids back.  We must follow the science, and research indicates that 3 feet of social distancing with masks is as safe as our current 6 feet standard.”


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