Legislator Lorigo secures funding for all ability inclusive playgrounds in Erie County heritage parks and additional park and infrastructure improvements

Modified: May 13, 2021 3:23pm


Erie County Legislator Joe Lorigo is proud to announce he has secured funds to install all ability inclusive playgrounds in each of Erie County’s heritage parks, in addition to investing in other park enhancements and road and bridge improvements throughout the County.

The inclusive playground project will include $425,000 in funding for each Emery, Chestnut Ridge, Como Lake, Akron Falls, and Ellicott Creek Parks to feature playground equipment accessible to children of all abilities. Legislators reached a deal with the Administration to fund the projects with cashas part of negotiations over the annual capital project bond resolution.  This agreement will fully fund the playgrounds in year one without adding any additional debt to the county’s finances.

Douglas DiGesare, CEO of ARC of Erie County said, “On behalf of the hundreds of families supported by The Arc Erie County New York and thousands of other children with differing abilities across Western New York, we commend Legislator Lorigo, Legislator Greene, Legislator Todaro, and Legislator Mills for ensuring that children of all abilities have safe and inclusive places to play in our public parks.”

Minority Leader Lorigo said, “This is a major step in making Erie County more inclusive for everyone. There is a need for playgrounds to accommodate children of all abilities. Kids shouldn’t be separated based on their level of ability, and parents shouldn’t have to travel far to access space for inclusive play. I’m proud we reached an agreement to make this happen and look forward to getting things underway as soon as possible.”

In addition to inclusive playgrounds, the Minority Caucus secured funding for $1.2 million in improvements for all Erie County Parks, including the completion of the Lancaster Bark Park in Como Lake Park. Legislators Lorigo, Greene, Todaro, and Mills also negotiated more than $3 million in funding for road and infrastructure improvements beyond what was proposed by the Administration.

“We believe these are investments that will have a long-term benefit to the taxpayers of Erie County,” Minority Leader Lorigo added. “By paying for a portion of these projects in cash, we aren’t increasing the County’s long-term borrowing which is also a win-win. The money we have secured will make sure more infrastructure needs are addressed and that parks in every corner of Erie County are properly invested in.”


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