Legislator Rath recognizes Williamsville North students for their heroic actions to prevent school bus from crashing

Modified: February 14, 2019 10:00am


Wednesday morning, Erie County Legislator Ed Rath visited Williamsville North High School to present students Isabella Custodi, Jessica Ireland, Thomas Schwartz and Madelyn Greco with proclamations recognizing their heroic actions to stop their school bus from crashing last week.

When their bus driver suffered a medical emergency, Custodi, Ireland, Schwartz and Greco calmly took control to bring the bus to a safe stop to prevent a potentially serious crash from happening. Jessica Ireland pulled the emergency brake while Thomas Schwartz called 911 and communicated with first responders when they arrived at the scene. Madelyn Greco and Isabella Custodi helped direct traffic outside of the bus.

“It was an honor to meet with these students and commend them for their outstanding efforts in a scary situation,” said Legislator Rath. “Because of their quick thinking and calm response, a potentially dangerous crash was avoided.”


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